Cursed in Blood and Name
The Bassyrikin people are any other race that has had their blood infused with that of Bassyric demons. Often as a result of dealings with demonic kin, indulgence in magic considered occult, or other maligned processes, someone may find themselves infused with profane arcana.
They are considered by almost all other people to be evil-natured and incapable of good. Often, this is certainly the case, as the amount of true Bassyric blood that's in them creates an inhuman creature, though not always. In rare cases, however, it is possible that Bassyrikin are mild-tempered, and for all intents human-like. The total cultural malignment of Bassyrikin is actually a recent development, as one of the most notable original Mythmakers from the Age of Myths was a Human-Bassyrikin named Andolon of Deosir. Andolon was legendary for his generosity and peace-making, notably having eased tensions between nations a number of times in his life.
This good rapport ended with Yrus Felbrood in the final years of the Great Navigation. After the
Dwarves had discovered and developed the use of
Mythral crystals and their magical uses, he worked towards unlocking greater powers that were beyond the traditional reaches of
Virosia. He used his blood's ties to Bassyr to infest what is now the Yrchin Wilderness, and what was then the Seraelen Valley, with a ravenous, horrific Bassyric demon known as a Scrisalin. This outbreak lead to the destruction of the most well developed elven Mythrael Orchards, and nearly the ruin of all of Virosia in an event now referred to as the "Yrchin Scourge".
These people can take many shapes and sized, but are marked by a few distinct features that are recognizable no matter what. Their skin will take on monochrome hues, and their eyes will become black wells of ink with faint rings of unnatural colors, often red, white or purple. additionally, their skeleton will often be of a charcoal hue, and horns will protrude in jagged shapes from the skull, and often the arms, hands, and back as well.
Cultural Stigma
Bassyrikin have gathered many derogatory nicknames over the years, this list includes, but is not limited to
"Demon Child"
"Handle Heads"
"Tainted Ones"