Trade's Necessities
During the final years before the Cohesion of the Realms, the Akathian Realm made great efforts to standardize a calendar system that would work for every culture and every realm. As the main unifying force, they felt it necessary that everyone can agree on time, because that would allow everyone to agree on trade.
The Full Calendar
The standardized calendar of Virosia includes thirteen months, of twenty-eight days each, with a single neutral day at the beginning of the year. The names of specific days are standardized, and every day therefore has its own name, based on the alerean naming scheme of "month-day".
Month Names
The names of the months have a combination of etymological sources, from fjorkad to shaelarilya, though primarily alerean. They are combined with the day's numbered name into a name that specifies what specific day of the year it is, besides the neutral day, which is named "New year" in the common tongue, with various names in other cultures.
Day Names
These names are simply numbers in alerean, though some have aditional characters that function as liasons to the month before them.
1. Azhi
2. Reth
3. Kith
4. Lazhi
5. Viren
6. Oa
7. Suen
8. Koli
9. Rehen
10. Zhirl
11. Eindazhi
12. Einreth
13. Aloskith
14. Aloslazhi
15. Aloviren
16. Aloa
17. Einsuen
18. Aloskoli
19. Einrehen
20. Rethzhirl
21. Rethazhil
22. Rethendas
23. Rethik
24. Rethlazhil
25. Reviren
26. Rethoa
27. Rethsuen
28. Rethskoli