Free Anchor
Now we are ready to sail through the storm Way, hay, roll and go, Our boots an' our clothes boys are all in the pawn To be rollicking randy dandy-O Heave a pawl, o heave away Way, hay, roll an' go The leash-shot's on board an' the crystals all stored To be rollicking randy dandy-O
-Shanty I heard while in Free Anchor. A modified Sea-shanty.
The counterpoint of Flagpyre, but suited solely to pirates of the airial variety, Free Anchor's location is just as secret as it's sea-borne counterpart and anyone who has seen it is forced into the same magically binding agreement to not reveal it's location to anyone that hasn't been inducted into it's secrets. The Tricorn Council is said to rule Free Anchor as well, enforcing it's code upon any that seek entry to the city. Supposedly, it is large enough to house and maintain several fleets of airships, which would be a massive resource drain even for an established nation with a territory full of materials to draw from. This has lead to some doubt of the existence of Free Anchor by the authorities of the world, but I can attest to it's existence, though of course I cannot mention it's location, even if I wanted to. To tattle would ruin the fun, in any case. While the Tricorn Council is largely believed to reside upon Flagpyre, and I did not see any of them (at least none were pointed out) in my short time awaiting ransom, I would argue that their organization could not function if there wasn't at least one member at each location at all times. Someone would need to enforce the code, after all.
Military, Base