The Great Wyrms

Once, it was thought that the Dragons were implaccable. Immortal and untouchable. It was that perception of their timelessness and power that drew early man to them, I think.   Much like how early man adopted wolves, which became dogs, we placed ourselves under the Great Wyrms as a way to shelter ourselves from the world, though I'm sure many would take exception to that analogy. Perhaps even the dragons themselves.
-The Sage of Blue Roses, Codex Draconis
Are the Great Wyrms gods?   The objective answer would be no, as none have ever claimed to be. We have seem Great Wyrms and their broods killed in droves, by us and their kin, proving their morality to be equal to ours in a way. To be killed is still their end. No revival, nor reincarnation. It did not stop our forefathers from   Their minds are truly how they differ from us. Man can scarcely comprehend the twisting thoughts and plans of a mind that need to be worried about dying of sickness or old age. The true expanse of their knowledge and thought precess is simply impossible for us to grasp, but it was to our benefit that they deigned to attempt to explain it to us. Even if we were unable to truly understand their knowledge, the glimpses of higher plane concepts drove human civilization to such heights that we have not been able to glimpse the top of that mountain since the War of the Great Wyrms.
Why they have left us without the knowlege they once gave willingly is a matter of great speculation and no little amount of consternation between scholars, politicians, and the common man alike. It is not helped by the commonly held idea that life and society was all around better and more just in the time of the Old Empire, if that statement be true or not.
Most nations have a Great Wyrm, or at least a dragon that is close to becoming a Great Wyrm backing them as a form of legitimacy and for their own protection. To have that Great Wyrm be slain rings the death knell of nations, as they have lost crucial support for the government, no matter it's form, even if that Wyrm rarely interacted with the nation directly.   The age of a Great Wyrm and it's lineage is also held as important to the prestige of a country and it's ability to interact with it's neighbors. To have a truly ancient Wyrm support you, one that was present for the First Murder or a child of the First Brood, is a status symbol that cannot be matched with wealth or power.
The Wyrms can vary greatly in their appearance, with some barely resembling others of their species bar the scales. Some walk upon four limbs, with wings to their back. Others have their wings as their forelimbs. Others still are more similar to serpents than the previous examples, their long bodies slithering upon the ground, only sometimes pulled along by legs or forelimbs. Even these serpent like dragons fly, despite their lack of wings. Further still, they species shows a true diversity of form, yet all are undeniably Wyrms.   Despite these differences, there are a few things that remain the same between them. They all bear scales across much of their body, even when they have other materials present like fur or amphibian like skin. The famously deadly dragons breath is something they all maintain, despite the differences they have within that facet as well, as well as their proficiency for magic and the academic fields of life.   Of course, one cannot discuss the physiology of the Wyrms without discussing their Eyes. No matter the form of the dragon, they always have six eyes upon their heads. Usually, they are in two rows of three, but there are a few individual Wyrms that have stranger orientations for their eyes. A continuous line, or upon the long throat. There does not seem to be a true limit, but the presence and count of eyes is always the same.

Articles under The Great Wyrms

Cover image: by Night Cafe Image Generation, User Provided Prompt


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