Abducted Humans Character in A Ruined Land | World Anvil
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Abducted Humans

It is believed that the elves of Davokar have always abducted human children and left changelings in their stead. Such children are called Abductees, and the reasons for them being taken have varied. Initially it was to learn more about and better understand humans; later the motive changed to wanting to foster ambassadors who understood the elves and could live among the clanfolks and teach them elven wisdom. Nowadays (in the elven sense, meaning within the last century), there has been an increasing need for warriors within the Iron Pact – to replace elves fallen in battle, and to offset the growing number of elves that do not survive their first dormancy (see page 58 the darkening of Davokar causes fewer and fewer elves to wake to their summer phase. Hence, it is not uncommon to see abducted humans hunt and fight alongside summer elves in the warbands of the Pact. The elves have long since known that abductees are loyal and good learners, but much to their surprise some of them have also proven capable of wisdom. Very few elves would ever admit this; to most elves the abducted humans are almost akin to faithful pets, useful and absolutely possible to love, but never to be regarded as equals.   Abductee Names   The abductees are named by their foster parents, often in a way that sounds human to the elves and seldom with names consisting of more than two syllables. They should be easy to pronounce and remember, preferably also easy to roar if the need arises. Aside from that, the names often have more consonants than vowels and almost never two consonants in a row, just like elven names.   • Male Abductee Names: Awan, Beo, Eral, Gaer, Kael, Lo, Mael, Orel, Tham, Tir   • Female Abductee Names: Anga, Beha, Erli, Fera, Inda, Lonam, Una, Undi, Vird  

Abductee Backgrounds

  Abducted Humans tend to leave the Iron Pact for the same reasons elves sometimes do – as mediators, scouts, exiled or avengers (see page 60) – but may also have a much more personal reason for becoming an adventurer:  


  For some reason – curiosity, home-sickness, abuse – the abductee chooses to flee to the realm of humans, to become a special sort of stranger.   • Skill Proficiencies: Nature   • Tool Proficiencies (choose one): Cobbler’s tools, cook’s utensils, leatherworker’s tools, weaver’s tools   • Equipment: A kit to match your tool proficiency, leather clothes and 1d6 ortegs.   Feature: Bushcraft   You can survive on meager resources and are used to finding food and shelter in harsh terrain. With a successful DC 10 Wisdom (Survival) check, the character can find enough food and water to feed themselves while being on the move in the wilderness or among Davokar’s ruins. If the character is part of a small group (up to five individuals), food and water can be found for them as well (increase the DC for the check by one for each additional person other than yourself), but that will take much longer. The group cannot be on the move during that time.   Suggested Characteristics   You have chosen to leave the relative safety of elven society within Davokar and return to the human lands. Unfortunately, your welcome home is cold and cruel.
Though abductees were taken from different cultures and social strata, each of them was also changed by their time among the elves.   • Ability Score Increase. Increase your Dexterity and Wisdom scores by 1 each, then add 2 to any other ability score of your choice.   • Age. Like other humans, abductees reach adulthood in their late teens and live less than a century without magical assistance.   • Size. Abductees vary almost as widely in height and build as regular humans but tend towards the shorter side. Your size is Medium and you have a d8 Hit Die. At first level you have 8 hit points plus your Constitution modifier. When you gain a level in any class, you gain an additional Hit Die and 5 (1d8) plus your Constitution modifier hit points.   • Speed. Your base walking speed is 30 feet.   • Languages. Abductees speak Elvish but cannot read elven writing if they do not have the Loremaster feature.


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