Captain Profession in A Ruined Land | World Anvil
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“War is not just won with soldiers, war is won in the planning tent and with leaders on the field.” – Field Marshal Beremo Herengol.   The captain class provides the battlefield leaders that were so important in the defeat of the Dark Lords. They are expected to lead both on the battlefield and off it, so they possess both personal martial prowess combined with a capability to command and train others to improve the fighting ability of a group as a whole.   Captain Approaches   Each captain is a superb leader of others but their goals may be as unique as their personalities. When you choose an approach, you make a choice about what kind of leader you are and what benefits you offer those who follow you.   Merchant Master These captains are those who have taken the lessons of military life and applied them to ordinary affairs, especially mercantile concerns. After all, a merchant caravan in the wild is in almost as much danger as a scouting party along the front lines. Many merchant masters lead expeditions paid for by future shares, see page 161. Some of the benefits from this approach provide equipment to the party members. These benefits are considered to be paid for by the trading efforts of the group that mostly happen “off-screen”. Also, if a character loses an item that the merchant master gave them for whatever reason its loss should be temporary and its replacement automatic and at no cost to the character.   Officer You grew up in or around the military. You might have been one of the children in the baggage train that every army accumulates with no sure knowledge of your parents (or at least your father’s identity), or you might have waited at your parents’ estate for any news from the front lines. As soon as you were able, you joined the battle and learned even more then. But now the war is over and most soldiers, even Officers, have been dismissed. You might find a sort of similar satisfaction in watching over a misfit group of adventurers, drilling them into something resembling a squad of your soldiers.   Outlaw Not every captain fights on behalf of their higher-ups. An Outlaw has broken free from their society and now disobeys its laws. Human Outlaws, either from the barbarians or Ambrians, are often concerned with those their society has left behind. Others, like elves, dwarves or trolls may have strained at their limitations and decided on plotting their own way forward. Outlaws focus on stealth and ranged weaponry to even the odds and remain free.   Poet-warrior You became a captain not because you love war, or hate oppression, or even wish to profit from your own safety. But instead you are a true philosopher of war, one that observes and then acts with efficiency for its own sake. Your weapon becomes like your pen, a teacher in deeds, not words. And those that survive your lessons would do well to think on them.
Captain Shadows   The Shadows of young captains can glow like their burnished armor shining in the noon-day sun. But for those captains who have experienced battle and sent forth warriors on impossible missions, knowing that their deaths were part of a larger plan, they have darker spots where their soul no longer shines and they might begin to coalesce into darkness as a captain realizes the futility of struggling against the world itself.


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