Changelings Character in A Ruined Land | World Anvil
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That the elves sometimes steal a human child from its crib and place a changeling in its stead has been known amongst the barbarians for as long as the witches can remember. Since the arrival of the Ambrians, changelings have started to emerge among them as well. While a rare occurrence, it is still a traumatic experience for every family affected. It is unknown what exact purpose the elves have for doing this, but Ordo Magica’s catalog of known cases in Ambria implies that children have been taken throughout the entire population, literally from both high and low. A changeling looks human during childhood and starts to develop more elf-like features in their adolescent years, though without ever becoming an elf in the true sense of the word. A changeling reaches adulthood at approximately the same age as a human; the changeling then continues to live a long life but apparently without taking any further steps in the life-cycle of the elves. This has made some scholars develop theories stating that changelings are a people of their own, created by elven magic. Others claim that changelings indeed are elf-spawn but that their natural life-cycle has been truncated in some mystical way by growing up among humans. A changeling’s lot in life is usually a hard one, since few of them are allowed to stay with their families when their true nature has been revealed. Changelings are sometimes taken in by witches or wizards to serve as assistants, but most of them end up on the street where they have to fend for themselves as best they can. Exiled from human society, the changeling wanders a long and lonely road, often bitter and dark minded, in other cases frivolous and indifferent to the hardship of others.   Changeling Names   Some changelings choose elven names when they are thrown out into the street or left in the forest, maybe in an attempt to reclaim a lost identity. Others – like the infamous gutter mage Grimorio Abramelin in Yndaros – take a new and often bombastic name as a defiant gesture or an expression of independence.   • Changeling male names: Aka, Ardri, Eneáno, Feon, Ganderald, Goriol, Ibliglin, Kalfu, Radomaramei, Sinue.   • Changeling female names: Bekora, Danive, Yeloéna, Elorinda, Hinéua, Kinlegelana, Riamata, Roha, Seanua, Varaneia.   BACKGROUNDS  

Broken Home

  When you were revealed to be a changeling it tore your family apart. Everyone seems to blame you (even you sometimes blame yourself, although in your moments of clarity you realize that you never had a choice in the matter). Still, you move forward, taking what solace you can in a new, found family of your friends.   • Skill Proficiencies (choose one): Athletics, Acrobatics, History, or Nature   • Tool Proficiencies (choose one): Any set of tools   • Equipment: A kit to match your tool proficiency, clothes and 2d6 + 3 shillings.   Feature: Open Senses Ever since you finished your ‘maturation’, you have noticed that you see more, hear more and sense more than your old human family and friends. When you make a Wisdom (Insight or Perception) check you can focus your senses and give yourself advantage on the check. Once you do this, you must take a short or longer rest before using this feature again.   Suggested Characteristics   Many folks have turned away from you. Your disappointment in them has given you a rock-hard sense of independence and a desire to learn more about where you come from.  

Mage’s Assistant

  You were very fortunate – most changelings are subject to ridicule and rejection as they grow up, but at the first signs of your inner nature a mystic visited your family and convinced them to allow you to apprentice with them. Fascinated by your magical nature, you are well treated by your tutor, or at least better than you would be in your home village.   • Skill Proficiencies: Arcana   • Tool Proficiencies (choose one): Alchemist’s supplies, glassblower’s tools, disguise kit, herbalism kit   • Equipment: A kit to match your tool proficiency, robes and 1d6 + 4 thaler.   Feature: Student Of Magic   You have much practice in the ways of magic and the danger of Corruption. Your Corruption Threshold is 1 higher than it would be otherwise.   Suggested Characteristics   Though most of your training time was spent inside, away from curious eyes, you are still awkward when meeting others or trying to convince them of your sincerity and dedication.
As changeling youngsters grow up, their elven nature is gradually revealed.   • Ability Score Increase. Your Wisdom score increases by 2. Increase any other ability score by 1.   • Age. By their 20th year changelings no longer resemble humans at all. Unless struck down by violence, they can live for centuries.   • Size. Changelings seem to be of the same size as elves, usually at least five feet tall but rarely reaching six feet. Your size is Medium and you have a d8 Hit Die. At first level you have 8 hit points plus your Constitution modifier. When you gain a level in any class, you gain an additional Hit Die and 5 (1d8) plus your Constitution modifier hit points.   • Speed. Your base walking speed is 30 feet.   • Darkvision. You inherit your true parents’ ability to see in the dark. You can see in dim light within 60 feet of you as if it were bright light, and in darkness as if it were dim light. You can’t discern color in darkness, only shades of gray.   • Shapeshifting. You are eligible to take the Change Self feat if your group allows feats. If so, you can take the feat instead of an ability score improvement.   • Languages. Changelings usually speak the local human language, either Ambrian or Barbarian. Some near Davokar speak the language of elves as well.


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