Goblins Character in A Ruined Land | World Anvil
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With increasing age, all goblins feel drawn to the lonely depths of Davokar. It is there they die, alone on the road towards the Underworld – if they do not die from illness or violence before then.

Little is known about the origin of goblins, but their presence in the southern outskirts of Davokar is quite obvious. The tribe that left the darkness of Davokar to settle down close to Thistle Hold swarms and makes such a racket that they have made themselves quite unpopular among the town’s human populace. Their fiery temperament and strange ways of socializing have contributed to the disapproval: “Hide the Boot”, “Tame the Ogre”, “Trim the Thistle”, “Tighten the Temple” and “Want a Smack, Molok?” are party games that outsiders are reluctant to even watch.   The life of a goblin is short – a goblin is considered a youngster at the age of five, adult at ten and an elder at the age of twenty. To meet a thirty-year-old goblin is a rarity, as most of them voluntarily return to seek a lonesome death in Davokar before then. Meeting one who is forty is all but unheard of. The truth of the goblin life-cycle is even more remarkable, though few humans know it – when goblins feel the pull of the forest not all of them die. Some are changed, becoming trolls or ogres.   The only reason why goblins are tolerated in Thistle Hold is that they are practical when it comes to doing dirty work like draining marshes, emptying latrines and flailing about on scaffolding. Thanks to that, a gibbering horde of sinewy goblins flows into the town every morning to work hard at a number of heavy, dangerous or thankless tasks. Come nightfall, they are once again driven away, and a bunch of uncharacteristically silent goblins march back to their beds in simple huts of straw and clay.   Some goblins stray from this pattern, mainly treasure hunters and goblins employed in the households of wealthy individuals in Thistle Hold. A dozen or so goblin younglings can also be found in the convent school in the capital city, where a handful of extremely patient monks have committed themselves to saving whatever soul resides inside the wild whelps. The most renowned goblin to represent both of these phenomena is Garm Wormwriggler, brought up at the convent school to later become a successful treasure-hunter.  


  You are a daily worker, tolerated in town during the day as you work but then forced to take your rest in either a central resting area or outside the village. Think about the kind of work that you might do? Do you have any friends inside town? Do you have a hated enemy among the other laborers? Are you saving your scant coin for the future, or do you spend it on drink and entertainment as soon as you get it?   • Skill Proficiencies: Athletics   • Tool Proficiencies (choose one): Carpenter’s tools or mason’s tools   • Equipment: A kit to match your tool proficiency, thick working clothes and 1d6 + 4 shillings.   Feature: Tireless Worker   You are used to long days of physical work with little opportunity to rest. As long as you do not have any levels of exhaustion you have advantage on any saving throws to avoid gaining exhaustion. Suggested Characteristics Laborers are one of the lowest members of society and are often ill-treated. They are also easily ignored, and a quick-eared and quick-witted person can learn much while they work.  


  The teachings of the Giver of Laws says that all are worthy of salvation and your teachers made every effort with you. Eventually, they were successful, or at least you began to give them the answers that they wanted to hear. And you’ve learned amazing things from the Sun Church – history and theology that your people never knew. You’ve become interested in what dark secrets lie in other old places.   • Skill Proficiencies (choose one): History or Religion   • Tool Proficiencies (choose one): Calligrapher’s tools or cartographer’s tools   • Equipment: A kit to match your tool proficiency, religious robes, and 4d6 + 11 ortegs   Feature: Member of the Church   If given the chance, you can prove yourself to be a member of the Sun Church and gain shelter there for yourself and your companions. Unfortunately, some of the faithful are not as open-minded as your teachers and the GM might require you to make a DC 10 Charisma (Persuasion) check in order to receive healing or other Church services.   Suggested Characteristics   Goblin converts exist in two worlds: they are still goblins, with short lifespans and a particular sense of humor, but they have been taught the ways of Prios and some of them see his teachings as a great opportunity for them to gain status in the new kingdom.  


  While many goblins have found themselves under the thumb of the newcomers, you and your clan have stayed away from both the Ambrians and barbarians by staying in the darker parts of Davokar. But the forest is changing, and the trolls and elves whisper that the humans have something to do with it. You’ve decided to explore these ideas but are also cautious about who you befriend, since you have no desire to become a laborer.   • Skill Proficiencies: Nature   • Tool Proficiencies (choose One): Carpenter’s tools, leatherworker’s tools, potter’s tools, weaver’s tools   • Equipment: A kit to match your tool proficiency, scant clothes and 2d6 + 8 ortegs.   Feature: Go to Ground   If you’re in the wilderness you can always find a hiding place. You can choose to have advantage on a Dexterity (Stealth) check as part of your Hide action. Once you use this feature you must take a short or longer rest before using it again.   Suggested Characteristics   You are a goblin as they should have always been: wild and free and able to do anything you wish. Of course, you sometimes see your cousins in the human cities, with their fancy clothes, weapons and flashing coins.
• Ability Score Increase. Your Dexterity score increases by 2. Increase any other ability score by 1.   • Age. Goblins are adults at 10 and few remain in human lands past their 30th year.   • Size. All goblins are under four feet in height and average around 50 pounds. Your size is Small and you have a d6 Hit Die. At first level you have 6 hit points plus your Constitution modifier. When you gain a level in any class, you gain an additional Hit Die and 4 (1d6) plus your Constitution modifier hit points.   • Speed. Goblins scurry underfoot of the bigger peoples but their strides cannot match them distance for distance. You have a base speed of 20 feet.   • Darkvision. Accustomed to the gloom of Davokar and underground mines, you have superior vision in dark and dim conditions. You can see in dim light within 60 feet of you as if it were bright light, and in darkness as if it were dim light. You can’t discern color in darkness, only shades of gray.   • Pariahs. Goblins are poorly treated in society and have disadvantage on Charisma checks with other peoples. However, the insular tendency of Goblin society provides advantage on Charisma checks when interacting with another goblin.   • Survival Instinct. While goblins are a loud and fractious people, they have a powerful will to survive. You can take either the Dash, Dodge or Disengage actions using your bonus action. You also gain proficiency with the Stealth and Survival skills.   • Languages. Goblins usually speak the local human language, either Ambrian or Barbarian. Some near Davokar speak the language of trolls or elves as well.


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