Humans Character in A Ruined Land | World Anvil
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From whence the humans once came to this world is not known, but the existence of other worlds is more or less an established fact, at least among scholars.

According to the scholars of Ordo Magica, the people of Ambria and Davokar are descendants of the same tribe, although the barbarians and the Queen’s Folk hardly consider themselves so closely related. Queen Korinthia’s claim to Ambria, the land south of Davokar forest, is motivated by her ancestral connection to the region, and even the most novice of Ambrian linguists can explain in what ways the “gibbering speech of the barbarians and the melodious tongue of the Queen’s Folk are similar.” More disputed are claims saying that the two peoples originate from the same stem, rooted in the old and long forgotten empire of Symbaroum whose ruins are hidden deep within Davokar.   Whatever the case, there are significant differences between the two peoples in a cultural sense. The Ambrians abandoned their blighted homeland Alberetor twenty years ago, to settle down in the well-preserved ruins of Lindaros. On their journey they brought along their architecture, knowledge, economic system and social hierarchies. Thanks to its discipline the Ambrian army outmatches the barbarian clan warriors when they meet in the open fields, but in the woods where the skill of the individual becomes a decisive factor they are more evenly matched. That, coupled with the advantage of having greater local knowledge, has so far kept the Ambrians from entering very deep into the forest – with the exception of treasure-hunters, religious fanatics searching for lost sun temples and free settlers hoping to escape the Queen’s control.   Since the days of old, the barbarians have been ruled by chieftains, but enjoyed much greater independence and freedom compared to the chastened crofters and peasants in the south. Nor do the barbarian leaders seek to enforce a strict or rigid way of life upon their subjects. The witches, the spiritual leaders among the barbarians, rule with a light hand in the form of taboos and general rules – revere nature, never abuse it and avoid the darker parts of the forest. The clans lead their lives independent from one another, with the occasional exception of skirmishes over resources in the border regions. By tradition, the clan leaders answer to the High Chieftain on the plateau of Karvosti, but he is in reality more of an arbitrator between feuding clans than a strong ruler. However, the High Chieftain is expected to lead the united barbarians to repel any invaders, particularly the Ambrians, if it ever comes to open war.   This possibility, a united barbarian resistance commanded by the High Chieftain, gives the Queen and her advisors nightmares, and would explain why the Ambrians officially are so cautious regarding Davokar. Since the battle in Year 10, when Korinthia’s troops attacked and destroyed Haloban and his Jezites, only the Templars serving the Sun Church have made any outright attacks against barbarian settlements. Most infamous is their assault on Karvosti in Year 16 when they attempted to seize the plateau with force of arms – an attempt which ended in a discouraging defeat.  

Common Folk

  You are a member of the largest group of humans, those who work every day for their food and board. You might be an Ambrian farmer with a field cut and measured for you by the Queen’s decree and pay taxes to her representatives for the privilege. Or you might be a barbarian, hunting or gathering food in ancestral lands according to a schedule set for you by nature itself. You might be a worker in one of the many growing communities, as more and more people settle down and learn trades.   • Skill Proficiencies (choose One): Animal Handling, Athletics, Nature, or Survival   • Tool Proficiencies: Any one set of artisan’s tools   • Equipment: A kit to match your tool proficiency, common clothing and 2d6 + 8 ortegs   Feature: Close to the Earth   You are used to being bound to nature to meet your needs. If you spend a moment considering it, you can predict the weather for the next 24 hours with great accuracy. You also know the current phase of the moon to the day and the number of days until the next solstice or equinox.   Suggested Characteristics   Poets and philosophers often call you ‘the people of the earth’ and its certainly true that there is dirt beneath your fingernails and between your toes. But that doesn’t mean that you’re simple minded or lack ambition.  

Faithful of Prios

  While the average citizen of Ambria gives due deference to Prios as the Lawgiver, you have sought a deeper connection to your god. Even as a youngster you were taught the ways of the Sun Church. You must choose how to serve Prios: will you teach the masses as a liturg? Or work miracles in his name as a theurg? Will you bring his teachings to the uncultured as a Templar? Or keep his priests safe as a Twilight Friar?   • Skill Proficiencies: Religion   • Tool Proficiencies (choose one): Brewer’s kit or herbalism kit   • Equipment: A kit to match your tool proficiency, priestly vestments and 2d6 + 3 shillings.   Feature: Shelter of the Faithful   As a servant of Prios, you command the respect of the common folk, and you can perform the religious ceremonies needed in everyday life. You and your adventuring companions can expect to receive free healing and care at a temple or other established presence of Prios, but you must provide any material components needed for spells. Those who share your religion will support you (but only you) at a modest lifestyle. You might also have ties to a specific home temple and you have a residence there. This could be the temple where you used to serve, if you remain on good terms with it, or a temple where you have found a new home. While near your temple, you can call upon the priests for assistance, provided the assistance you ask for is not hazardous and you remain in good standing with your temple.   Suggested Characteristics   The faithful are shaped by the experiences in the temples of Prios and his teachings. Such duties are rigorous, providing a common set of knowledge that unites the faith and supports the kingdom. Despite your religious upbringing you are still human and subject to human frailties and flaws.  

Houses of Nobility

  You are a member of the nobility of Ambria, however minor in station. You might be the third or fourth child of a baronet, your parents or grandparents granted a small measure of land for their service in the war and as the family grows and the land-plot remains the same size, your future becomes more uncertain. Or you might be descended from a once-great house that no longer possesses any wealth other than your good name and intend to restore your family to its rightful place. You’ve decided to embrace a life of service or adventure, hoping to make a name for yourself and win rewards just like your forebears.   • Skill Proficiencies (choose one): History or Persuasion   • Tool Proficiencies (choose one): Calligrapher’s supplies, gaming set or musical instrument   • Equipment: A kit to match your tool proficiency, a signet ring, wax, paper and 3d6 + 50 shillings.   Feature: Privileged   You are a noble by blood and are therefore given advantages that others simply cannot have or must pay for, in either silver or hard work, to obtain. You have advantage on introductions for social challenges within your own society unless you strive to accomplish something which is questionable or that may be next to impossible to achieve.   Suggested Characteristics   Some members of the Houses of Nobility are still within living memory of the service that awarded them titles. Others are ancient houses of Alberetor, the lost kingdom of the south, and have always held positions of privilege and pride.  


  As Ambria and its towns grow and reclaim parts of the wilderness, a new class of folk have arisen. Some travel between settlements bringing badly needed supplies, tools and knowledge; others work in a single shop that also serves as their home, preparing food or drink, making tools, tanning leathers and a dozen other useful endeavors. These are the merchants of Ambria, and even some of the clanfolks have begun to welcome the tinkling bells of the merchant’s cart.   • Skill Proficiencies (choose one): Deception, Insight or Persuasion   • Tool Proficiencies (choose one): Any artisan’s tools, a gaming set, a herbalism kit, any musical instrument, navigator’s tools, a land or water vehicle   • Equipment: A kit to match your tool proficiency, fine clothing and 6d6 + 4 shillings.   Feature: Negotiation   You have made a careful study of the various peoples and have an accurate sense of how they react to various situations. You can choose to have advantage on a Wisdom (Insight) or Charisma (Deception or Persuasion) check. Once you use this feature you cannot use it again until you take a short or longer rest.   Suggested Characteristics   Merchants are always looking for the best deal – all of them look for the best deal for themselves, and the most successful seek the best deal for everyone involved.  


  With the fall of Alberetor in the south and the wars between Ambria and the barbarians here in the north, there is no shortage of refugees in these lands. Forced to leave your traditional home, you are still in motion, hoping to find peace someday. Until then, you make do with what you have and what you can acquire.   • Skill Proficiencies (choose one): Nature, Sleight of Hand, Survival   • Tool Proficiencies (choose one): Any artisan’s tools   • Equipment: Simple clothes and 2d6 + 3 ortegs.   Feature: Makeshift Tools   You have proven to be incredibly handy, even when you don’t have the proper tools. When you need to make a tool check with an instrument you are proficient with but do not possess, you can substitute scrounged items instead. If you are not proficient with the tools, you can choose to count as proficient for this check. If you do so, you can’t use this feature again until a long or extended rest. If you fail the check your temporary tools are broken and you won’t find suitable replacements until after a long or extended rest.   Suggested Characteristics   Driven from your homeland, you are constantly on the move and hope one day to settle down in a new land.  

Scholar of Ordo Magica

  You are a scholar, seeking the secrets of the universe, both magical and mundane. For they are often intertwined, and the philosophy of the order requires investigation, experience and evidence, which often puts you at odds with those who put all of their faith in Prios. But the Ordo is not wholly impractical, its leaders know that without the silver thaler of the nobles and the protection of the Sun Church and the Queen’s forces it could not safely seek out answers to its questions.   • Skill Proficiencies: Arcana   • Tool Proficiencies (choose one): Alchemist’s supplies, painter’s supplies or tinker’s tools   • Equipment: A kit to match your tool proficiency, thick robes and 2d6 + 8 shillings.   Feature: Practical Knowledge   When you encounter a new task, there’s a chance that you have already performed something similar long ago. On a successful DC 15 Intelligence check you can declare that the situation reminds you of a previous experience and gain advantage on that check. You cannot use this feature again until you take a long or extended rest.   Suggested Characteristics   The students of Ordo Magica sometimes seem aloof and uncaring, this is primarily because they have a different outlook on life. When your master is centuries old, your connection to the common folk is strained.
All of human origin start with the same basic features and then select a culture: either Ambrian or Barbarian.   • Ability Score Increase. Your Strength score increases by 2. Increase Dexterity, Constitution or Charisma by 1.   • Age. Humans reach adulthood in their late teens and live less than a century without magical assistance.   • Size. Humans vary widely in height and build, from barely 5 feet to well over 6 feet tall. Regardless of your position in that range, your size is Medium and you have a d8 Hit Die. At first level you have 8 hit points plus your Constitution modifier. When you gain a level in any class, you gain an additional Hit Die and 5 (1d8) plus your Constitution modifier hit points.   • Speed. Your base walking speed is 30 feet   Ambrian   • Educated. Your Intelligence score increases by 1.   • Contacts. Ambrians are very sociable and end up knowing many folk. You might have served in an organization or traveled far and wide. With a successful DC 10 Charisma (Persuasion) check you can find out about a person who should be able to help with a specific question or precarious situation. The contact may not be available – that depends on the GM’s judgment of your faction. When it comes to specifying a faction for the character’s contact, suitable options include: a barbarian clan, the Queen’s Army, the Queen’s Rangers, witches, Ordo Magica, the Church of Prios, a noble house or treasure hunters.   Barbarian   • Bushcraft. You can survive on meager resources and are used to finding food and shelter in harsh terrain. With a successful DC 10 Wisdom (Survival) check, the character can find enough food and water to feed themself while being on the move in the wilderness or among Davokar’s ruins. If the character is part of a small group (up to five individuals), food and water can be found for them as well (increase the DC for the check by one for each additional person other than yourself), but that will take much longer. The group cannot be on the move during that time.   • World-canny. Your Wisdom score increases by 1.


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