Ogres Character in A Ruined Land | World Anvil
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Ogres are solitary and odd creatures that come wandering out of the depths of Davokar, fully grown but devoid of memories and with no sense of identity. It is up to the humans or goblins who eventually take them in to give them a name and teach them the ways of the world.   The tales told of ogres vary from being hilarious to horrific. What is known is that the witches of Davokar sometimes take ogres under their wing and raise them to be guards and servants. Explorers have also reported that an Ambrian outpost near the Black Pitch Mire has adopted an ogre called Armstout and the soldiers there have the giant dig ditches, lift heavy equipment and draw the plow from time to time. A similar phenomenon is the ogres that are snatched by goblin gangs in the slums of Yndaros to serve as heavy-handed enforcers.   In southern Davokar they tell of the companions Deterror and Vitrona, the latter a skillful scout employed by the witches and the former a huge ogre and the scout’s best friend. Word of the duo has also reached Thistle Hold where they have become the subjects of a series of popular songs, supposedly recounting their adventures in the ruins of Symbaroum.   Ogre Backgrounds   The following backgrounds represent three of the most common outcomes for a newly discovered ogre.   1) Learned in Magic   You were discovered or brought to a group of mystics, most often the witches of Davokar or Ordo Magica or possibly a troll singer. You made careful and quiet study of the techniques you were taught and have proven yourself to your instructors and are now ready to prove yourself again to the world.   • Skill Proficiencies: Arcana   • Tool Proficiencies (choose one): Any musical instrument   • Equipment: An instrument to match your proficiency, tattered clothes and 1d4 + 1 shillings.   Feature: Spellbound   Ogres usually have a little bit of their own magic about them and those that study the magical arts gain a resistance to force damage.   Suggested Characteristics   You are naturally attracted to the forces of magic and feel like it is almost a personal concern for yourself. However, it is difficult to give voice to these feelings, especially as everything seems at once new and old to you.   2) Raised by Common Folk   You were discovered by the average folk of a village, town or other community. Noted for your large size and endurance you were soon put to work. In exchange, you are fed, allowed to sleep in a shed and sometimes, just sometimes, allowed to listen in as a teacher instructs the children of the neighborhood or an expert passes on their trade to junior workers.   • Skill Proficiencies: Athletics   • Tool Proficiencies (choose One): Carpenter’s tools, mason’s tools or smith’s tools • Equipment: A kit to match your tool proficiency, thick working clothes and 3d6 + 2 shillings.   Feature: Unending Labors   You don’t tire as easily as the humans and you recover faster. When you take a long rest and have some food and drink you reduce your exhaustion level by 2.   Suggested Characteristics   You were accepted by the sort of people who usually scream, run and hide from ogres. That warms your heart and gives you a bit of hope that you might have more in common with other peoples than it would first seem.   3) Sellsword   You were pressed into service as a warrior almost as soon as you were discovered. The people who found you might have had good intentions and you might have defended a village or patrolled a patch of roadway. But more likely the folks you fell in with were robbers and thieves and you were taught that might made right, and your might helped make them right more often than not.   • Skill Proficiencies (choose one): Athletics, Acrobatics, Deception or Intimidation   • Tool Proficiencies (choose one): Carpenter’s Tools or Mason’s Tools   • Equipment: A kit to match your tool proficiency, thick working clothes and 1d6 + 4 shillings.   Feature: Routine Punishment   You have been in many scrapes over the years and lost your share of conflicts, but you you always got back up, every time. You have advantage on your first death saving throw. You must complete a short or longer rest before using this feature again.   Suggested Characteristics   You haven’t known any other life than that of a mercenary. You might feel that you have done nothing but good with your weapons, but there’s still some hint in the back of your mind that you were meant for something more than just killing people (even if you are really good at it).


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