Scoundrel Profession in A Ruined Land | World Anvil
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In Ambria the word “scoundrel” is used broadly and refers to all who “steal” something from others, be it their trust, secrets, money or life. The calling of the warrior, to proudly face an opponent face-to-face, is an exception to this rule: it is the sneaky assassin that counts among the thieving scoundrels. In essence, warriors, craftsmen and scholars are the ideal occupations among the Ambrians; the rest are more or less regarded as scoundrels.   Scoundrels and the Origins   People at large would say that changelings and goblins are synonymous with scoundrels, and are usually surprised when they realize that ogres and humans can also be found amongst their number.   Scoundrel Approaches   We cover the Explorer approach for those who wish to get into trouble in the wild, the Former Cultist for scoundrels with a dark history, a Guild Thief for one that follows (certain) rules, Sappers that attack the foundations of society, Spies that seek secret information on behalf of their master, Thugs that serve as the chosen enforcers of other criminals and Treasure-hunters that are only concerned with finding more valuables.   Former Cultist   Many sorcerers foster cults around themselves and their beliefs, promising drug-induced insights and black salvation to those willing to follow the mystic into the dark.   Not many defect from such cults and those who do and survive more than a few days are fewer still, hunted as they are by both the cult they left behind and by witch hunters and Black Cloaks. The situation is not made any easier by the defector’s own burdens – memories of services rendered to please their master and explicitly cruel actions performed in the name of the cult weigh most Former Cultists down and haunt their nightmares long after leaving the master.   You might have been a deeply convinced fanatic, or someone for whom the membership was more of a practical choice motivated by ambition or greed. However, if one is to believe the interrogation protocols of the Black Cloaks, desperation is the most common characteristic among cultists – the injustices of life combined with a charismatic leader who promises redemption and strength can be an attractive combination. But no matter your background, the choices of the cultist were never innocent; your hands are forever colored by blood.   Guild Thief   The Guild Thief has a long, if not proud, tradition rooted in Alberetor, a tradition that emerged stronger after the relocation to the north. Each of Ambria’s towns has at least one Thieves’ Guild, larger ones often have one based in each district or block.   Not just anyone is qualified to be a Guild Thief. Sure, pickpockets and simplistic thugs may prove to be suitable recruits but only the most cunning and agile can hope to gain membership in the Guild. To strike unnoticed and know who is untouchable are matters of principle to the Guild Thief.   Sapper   War can be won on battlefields or through sieges, and both of these require advanced field-works. In Ambria, most such tasks are handled by Her Majesty’s Sapper Corps, 7th Army, Yndarien. Ordo Magica also has a department for battlefield alchemy at their headquarters in Agrella. Known as The Panzer Alchemists, this elite group of Sappers serves the duchy of Kasandrien. The other duchies also have Sapper squads, though not of the same caliber.   All Sappers are trained in the use of siege weapons, from ballistae to trebuchets, and the most qualified can handle alchemical weapons. Sappers are also trained to craft simple fortifications, like barricades for cavaliers, trenches and undermining tunnels.   Ordo Magica has realized that ogres are well equipped to be Panzer Alchemists and the Wizards are supervising attempts to school a number of ogres in the use of alchemical weapons. These pensive giants have also convincingly proven that the heavy alchemical firetube can be employed as an effective, two-handed crushing weapon (counts as a great club). This is assumed to increase the life expectancy of the Sappers, since those who discharge an alchemical firetube often are at a worryingly short distance from the enemy.   Spy   Already during The Great War there were secret agents working for the King and the court in Alberetor. After the war, the agency lay dormant until the recent troubling times made Queen Korinthia breathe life into what is called the Royal Sekretorium.   The Sekretorium consists of a number of reliable nobles who secretly enforce the Queen’s command to infiltrate various operations and hunt for sensitive information – or spread disinformation. The committee is led by high-borns, while the field work is carried out by nobles of lower rank. A vital part of the operations is aimed at Korinthia’s own allies within the Sun Church, Ordo Magica, the military and also the duchies of the realm, meaning the Queen’s close relatives. Some Spies are not equipped to handle the intrigues and moral ambiguities; others are cast out in the cold after incriminating failures. Former Spies of the Queen often live short lives, constantly on the run from both enemies and their former superiors.   Some other organizations surely have a few spies placed in Ambria, causing many people to be suspicious of converted barbarians, changelings, abducted humans who have returned, and other strangers.   Thug   The eastern districts of Yndaros are a wilderness as dangerous as Davokar, and just as rewarding for those who know how to harvest its fruits. You grew up on streets whose gangs have taught you the art of making a profit from others’ hard work, right under the noses of the city watch. Other Thugs rise through the ranks by becoming employed by barons or counts, free to act as ruffians and enforcers without being bothered by the Queen’s watchmen.   You have always preferred the direct approach, dispensing violence directly against your enemies and your employer’s enemies.   Treasure-hunter   The depths of Davokar hide many treasures; to locate, salvage and return them to civilization is your bread and butter. You dream of overgrown ruins and fantasize about sunken temples. Unlike many others, you have proven yourself willing to risk your life in order to succeed. You have developed an impressive set of skills in order to do just that and there are few situations within Davokar for which you have not prepared a strategy.
Scoundrel Shadows   The Shadows of scoundrels are invariably darker than their fellows’, but the nature of their appearance varies based on their focus. A charlatan looks like they’re wearing a mask or hood of deep shadow while a thug is grim and gray all over. Tendrils of darkness emerge from a treasure-hunter’s heart and a ranger is cloaked by a green so dark that it seems black and it obscures their movements.


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