Trolls Character in A Ruined Land | World Anvil
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To all Ambrians and most barbarians, the word troll is synonymous with bloody death. Some witches and Ambrian scholars know better and claim that there is much truth hidden in the barbarian legends about troll kingdoms below ground, where the trolls hold court and mighty hymns are sung in halls adorned with beautiful things crafted by trollish hands. However, those who say that trolls can be civilized also admit that individuals encountered on the surface are dangerous: if a troll leaves the Abyss, it often has a bloody reason to do so.   Trolls do not reproduce, that is for the goblins to do. When goblins feel death breathing down their necks, they venture down into the Underworld. There they finally fall down and a cocoon-like tissue sprouts out of their bodies until it covers them completely. Many die while slumbering, but the few who survive develop into the beastly creatures that Ambrians call Rage Trolls. Some of these are found by other trolls while still in the hibernation phase, and are brought to an underground realm for care and safety. The majority crawl upwards to the surface, naked and famished, ready to feed on anything crossing their paths. Some of these crude creatures are found by surface lords – living Liege Trolls – who either dress them in clothes and cultivate their nature, or whip them into obedience and make them the front-line combatants in their robber bands.   The troll civilization differs a lot from human societies. The value and worth of a troll are determined by what he or she can bring to the community, whether in the form of a warrior’s protection, a craftsman’s items or a skald’s songs. The most ruthless and vigorous trolls manage to secure a place among the leaders and become members of the Rulers Caste – a place they keep only so long as they can defend it through fighting and scheming. The trolls often challenge each other to contests as a part of the social game. In most cases, the contest is physical, but it can just as well be about who can keep singing longest or who can craft the most powerful artifact. Physical fights are by far most frequent and even though these confrontations are ritualized they sometimes end in death, if only by accident.   Education through physical and spiritual challenges is deeply rooted within their culture and most trolls aim to grow stronger, both as individuals and as a group. Duels are regarded as the only viable method for achieving this hardening of body and collective. An often-heard idiom which captures this says: “If I break you, our people grow weaker; if I let you get off lightly, you grow weaker.”   Troll Backgrounds   By tradition, trolls are tightly bound to their societies and need more than common curiosity to head out into the world. Here follows a couple of examples or incentives which can drive a troll character to adventure beyond the domains of its kin:   Artifact Collector   The crafting skills of trolls are held in high esteem even among elves, and many troll-made artifacts have been given as gifts to allies – or been stolen by enemies. Trolls feel closely connected to everything crafted by their kind and it is important to them that such objects do not remain in the wrong place or in the wrong hands. The character is sent to collect one or more of these lost treasures, either from ancient tombs, Symbarian ruins or from unworthy, soon-to-be-dead thieves.   • Skill Proficiencies (choose one): Insight, Investigation or Perception   • Tool Proficiencies: Any one set of artisan’s tools   • Equipment: Supplies/tools to match your tool proficiency, over-sized clothes and 4d6 + 6 shillings (troll minted, but usually taken at face value for the metal content and that arguing with trolls is unwise).   Feature: Inspector   You have made a comprehensive study of various styles and construction techniques. If you make a successful DC 15 Intelligence (Investigation) check of a manufactured item, you can identify which of the peoples made the item and might be able to make a guess about the specific community of the crafter.   Suggested Characteristics   You have made it your life’s work to recover the work of others. Sometimes you wonder if it might have been better to just make things yourself. You sometimes feel the call to take some rest and make something.   Journey of Discovery   Trolls usually send their young ones abroad to learn about the world and its creatures. The destination may vary, but the goal is always to come to terms with the powers which shape the world. Before, many traveled to the closest Iron Pact settlement, but nowadays humankind and above all the newly arrived Ambrians are as interesting, or more interesting, than the elves.   • Skill Proficiencies (choose one): Arcana, History, Medicine or Religion   • Tool Proficiencies (choose one): Calligrapher’s supplies, cartographer’s tools, painter’s supplies or herbalism kit   • Equipment: Supplies to match your tool proficiency, large clothes and 2d6 + 8 shillings.   Feature: Cunning Student   At the end of an extended rest, choose a skill that you are not proficient in. You have a bonus to that skill equal to half of your proficiency bonus rounded down. When you take another extended rest you must select a different skill, as your attention wanders to a new subject.   Suggested Characteristics   You are out in the world for the first time. Perhaps it will be the only time? The world seems both exciting and frightening and one moment you wish you were home and another that you had unlimited time for your explorations.
• Ability Score Increase. Your Strength score increases by 2. Increase any other ability score by 1.   • Age. Trolls are not born and thus don’t celebrate the passing of the years like other peoples. With the emphasis on competition, most trolls die well before they show any signs of aging.   • Size. Trolls average just at or below 8 feet in height and weigh 300 pounds or more. Your size is Medium and you have a d8 Hit Die. At first level you have 8 hit points plus your Constitution modifier. When you gain a level in any class, you gain an additional Hit Die and 6 (1d8) plus your Constitution modifier hit points (see below).   • Speed. Trolls have long limbs and take long strides. Your base speed is 40 feet.   • Darkvision. Accustomed to the Underworld, you have superior vision in dark and dim conditions. You can see in dim light within 60 feet of you as if it were bright light, and in darkness as if it were dim light. You can’t discern color in darkness, only shades of gray.   • Pariah. Humans are fearful of trolls so a troll making a check involving a human has disadvantage. A troll that succeeds at a Charisma (Intimidation) check involving one or more humans however will mean that the humans are frightened of the troll for one minute or until the troll leaves the immediate area (whichever comes first).   • Tough Skin. Trolls can withstand more hurt than most other creatures. When rolling for hit points, roll the Hit Die twice and use the higher result. If using the average result, use 6.   • Languages. Trolls have their own language, passed down from other trolls since the beginnings of the world. Those who wander often pick up Elvish and at least one of the human tongues in order to make themselves understood.


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