Undead Character in A Ruined Land | World Anvil
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Undead player characters are thoroughly corrupt from the start. Like others of their kind, the undead character has a mind and free will; they are not howling abominations bent on destruction.

Something is not right with the world. The shadows grow darker as the Corruption grows deeper, and natural laws are failing in this twilight of existence. One clear piece of evidence of this downfall is the increasing number of undead.   Undead, as in thoroughly corrupted creatures thirsting for the life-force of the living, are nothing new: the Dark Lords confronted during The Great War awoke whole armies of these gravely cold beings, and Davokar’s ancient tombs harbor their fair share of vengeful undead.   However, a new kind of undead creature has recently appeared in Ambria. People who die – or should have died – rise again. The Black Cloaks, who secretly are investigating the worrying rumors, seem to think that Ambria’s capital is at the heart of this horrific development. Reports sent to the monastery in the Titans include a slain cultist in Yndaros who clawed himself from his grave and disappeared into the night; a man dead from old age who awakened as if having slumbered and was chased away after having gone to his work-place; and a woman of noble birth who died in childbirth and later escaped the family crypt to kidnap her living child. All these three were later tracked and found, one of them killed by a group of Templars, one captured by Black Cloaks for study-purposes and the third caught by an angry mob but lucky enough to escape being burned at the stake – all of them telling examples of what the undead will face if revealed for what they are.   Common for all these new undead beings is that they show clear indications of actually being dead – they are cold, they do not bleed or eat or sleep – yet their minds appear to be intact. And they are all very slowly decaying towards their final death, which might come centuries after their first death.   Undead Backgrounds   While each undead person has their own personal history, they also share some commonalities as they have made the transition from death into unlife. The new form of undead has become known as revenants, those who have returned for some reason.  


  You have been reborn in a way, or at least you did not stay dead. You didn’t choose this fate for yourself (or at least, that’s what you tell others) but you must constantly be on guard against witch hunters and Black Cloaks.   • Skill Proficiencies: Deception   • Tool Proficiencies: Herbalism kit   • Equipment: A kit to match your tool proficiency, clothes to cover most of your body and 2d6 + 3 shillings.   Feature: Undead   You are immune to poison damage and the poisoned condition. Diseases do not affect you. Suggested Characteristics   The undead have a wide variety of beliefs and understandings. However, their need for secrecy and desire to understand their new ‘life’ is nearly universal.
• Ability Score Increase. Your Constitution score increases by 2. Increase any other ability score by 1.   • Age. Undead are exclusively human in origin. They can have died their first death at almost any age after attaining adulthood. If they can maintain themselves, they can live for centuries.   • Size. Undead are of human stock and thus vary widely in height and build, from barely 5 feet to well over 6 feet tall. Regardless of your position in that range, your size is Medium and you have a d8 Hit Die. At first level you have 8 hit points plus your Constitution modifier. When you gain a level in any class, you gain 5 (1d8) plus your Constitution modifier hit points. You do not gain a Hit Die, see Undead (below)   • Speed. Your base walking speed is 30 feet.   • Darkvision. A creature of Corruption and death, you have superior vision in dark and dim conditions. You can see in dim light within 60 feet of you as if it were bright light, and in darkness as if it were dim light. You can’t discern color in darkness, only shades of gray.   • Languages. Undead speak the language they used in life, usually either Ambrian or Barbarian.   • Physical Degeneration. The undead have no souls, and any Corruption that they accrue instead causes physical degeneration of their body. This is represented by your current Corruption total reducing your current and maximum hit points on a 1:1 basis. If you exceed your Corruption Threshold, you roll for marks of Corruption as normal.   If your total Corruption equals or exceeds your current hit points you become unconscious (but stable) until your Corruption is reduced or your hit points increase (an unconscious undead creature counts as taking a short or longer rest if they remain undisturbed). If you acquire more permanent Corruption than your Corruption Threshold, then your character is no longer playable.   • Undead. You do not sleep, cannot eat normal food, do not need to breathe (except to talk). You can drink small amounts of liquid. You do not naturally heal during a short or long rest, instead you must either drink blood or consume raw flesh during a long rest to restore your single Hit Die, which you can then use to regain hit points or reduce temporary Corruption. You can benefit from healing magic.   When you interact with the living, you must make a Charisma (Deception) check against their passive Insight in order to fool them. However, a character with Shadowsight or an active spell that allows them to see Shadows might still recognize you as undead.


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