Warrior Profession in A Ruined Land | World Anvil
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The barbarian clans of Davokar and the kingdom of Ambria house many traditions of war and combat. Some warriors are professionals – soldiers with a pragmatic point of view, regarding warfare as a vocation. Others stem from noble families and bloodlines, and consider the glory of battle to be a part of their heritage. To some the art of war is nothing more than a method needed to survive, while others use their prowess in battle for a higher purpose, such as serving Prios the Sun God or restoring family honor lost during The Great War.   Regardless of culture and origins, the warrior’s main arena is the battlefield, where he or she often assumes the role of a heavily armed shock trooper. The warrior can also contribute to effective problem-solving, mainly through their capacity to lead.   Warriors and the Origins   Ogres are commonly considered to be exemplary warriors, closely followed by humans and trolls. Changelings are seldom regarded as classical warrior material, and the same goes for goblins. You can definitely find warriors among changelings and goblins, but these tend to rely on agility and finesse rather than on raw physical strength.   Warrior Approaches   Those who fight have a variety of techniques from the wild attacks of Berserkers to the controlled grace of the Duelist, the protective arts of the Knight or the Rune Smith, the strange techniques of the Tattooed Fighter, the faith of the Templar and the unwavering resilience of the Wrathguard.   Berserker   Spirits of rage follow you and fill you with uncontrolled ferocity in battle. When you are not in combat you are of a thoughtful and patient disposition, a contrast that makes you both appreciated and feared. The barbarians speak of the Guard of the Slumbering Wrath, that serve as the High Chieftain’s bodyguard – do you dream of joining their ranks, or do you seek to defeat one of them as revenge for taking your place among them?   Duelist   Honor and glory is everything for a warrior, and even better if one can defend their name with some flair and finesse. You have been living your whole life guided by that code and the fact that you are still alive undoubtedly speaks well of your talent.   Knight   You are a noble Knight who fights to break the enemy’s lines or to hold your own. Heavily armored on the outside and with a deep sense of duty on the inside, you fight for the favor of your lord, the lives of your allies or your own family’s glory.   Maybe you dream of one day becoming a member of the Queen’s royal guard, the Pansars, or a Templar fighting in the name of Prios.   Rune Smith   Among the trolls there are warriors who have sworn a holy oath to only fight with weapons of their own making, dressed in armor crafted by their own massive hands. These Rune Smiths count among the most skilled craftsmen of the Underworld and are fierce warriors. It seems ogres are also drawn to the fire of creation, just as elves appreciate the art of the forge, the hammer often held by abducted humans.   In Ambria, there are strong blacksmith traditions but even if blacksmiths are often seen wielding their own weapons, most of them lack the dedication the trolls show on the battlefield. However, lately the old secrets have begun spreading to Ambria, lifting its blacksmiths to new heights.   Tattooed Fighter   Many barbarian warriors have their bodies covered with tattoos, but the Tattooed Fighters of Vajvod differ in that they are tattooed by symbolists – mystics with a special understanding of the power of symbols. The foremost among the tattooed fighters has the honor to serve as the guards of Clan Vajvod’s chieftain.   There are also goblins and trolls among the Tattooed Fighters, totally unrelated to the work of Vajvod’s symbolists. Amid both trolls and goblins, these warriors comprise an elite among the elite. The Tattooed Fighters are often seen fighting alongside their ruler on the field of battle, be it down in the Underworld or in the shadowy depths of Davokar.   Templar   The church of Prios and its representatives are protected by the Knights of the Dying Sun, heavily armed and with the fire of faith burning behind their breastplates. The power of faith makes the armor of the sun knights harder than steel. Their mere presence repels abominations by the sheer radiance of their conviction or by weapons burning with Prios’ holy rage.   Lately, a schism is said to have grown between the commander of the Templars and the Church’s Curia in Temple wall. Initially, the dispute was about how to handle the ancient sun temple found close to Karvosti, but apparently there are other ideological differences between the Knights of the Dying Sun and the Sun Church in general. What will come of this conflict is not easily guessed; some dismiss it as a natural effect of the Church’s development, others whisper of a possible division of the Church, in line with the conflicting views that exist regarding the dying Prios and humanity’s role in the drama.   Weapon Master   You have dedicated yourself to the mastery of a single weapon. Among the warriors of Ambria and Davokar there are those who have committed themselves to becoming true masters of a specific weapon. Through persistent training, these Weapon Masters have become very skilled with their weapon of choice, and often adhere to a philosophy about the struggle between life and death.   They are known as Sword Saints in Ambria, devoted to perfecting their skill with the chosen weapon. Among barbarians there are the Axe Artists, often wielding one axe in each hand – a tradition also adopted by some of the goblin tribes of Davokar. The elven equivalent to a weapon master is called a Spear Dancer, an art form also practiced by abducted humans. Among trolls, chain weapons are considered extra noble, both very demanding and very effective in the right hands. Such Flailers, in the form of ogres, can often be found in the gladiatorial arenas of Ambria.   Wrathguard   The High Chieftain of Karvosti is guarded by a select number of warriors in the Guard of the Slumbering Wrath.   Anyone who has met a Wrathguard in combat knows that there is nothing drowsy about them. On the contrary, the blood of a Wrathguard boils with fighting spirit, and the Huldra teaches them to use that passion effectively. To damage a Wrathguard is to wake their fury; to badly hurt an experienced guard is like summoning a furious aboar in human shrouding.   Every clan sends their nine most skilled warriors to Karvosti to become members of the Wrathguard. Nominations are made by the clan chieftains when one of their representatives falls in combat or – in singular cases – retires. He or she who is appointed can hardly say no, partly because the mission is regarded as one of the most honorable a clan warrior can be tasked with, partly because a rejection likely would mean exclusion from the clan or see the warrior branded as an outlaw. There are tales of barbarians who have been appointed to the Wrathguard after having left their clans, and therefore refused to serve. But it is also said that the defiance of these defectors always ends up costing them their lives, sooner or later.


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