
Dohwars are short, pudgy, flightless avians that look and move like penguins. They are inveterate merchants, always looking for an opportunity to turn a profit. Dohwars conduct their dealings in secrecy, preferring to do business in dark alleys and out-of-the-way places even when the items being bought or sold aren’t illegal or dangerous. They tend to dress in a garish mishmash of clothing, but many of them also shroud themselves in hooded cloaks. A group of Dohwars is called a cartel.
  The average Dohwar stands 3 feet tall and has bright plumage. Instead of wings, it has arms and tiny hands.
  Dohwars prefer to communicate through a form of telepathy they call merging, in which two Dohwars stay in mental contact while both are telepathically linked with a third creature.
  Dohwars have their own pantheon of deities, made up entirely of gods of commerce and wealth. By focusing on the worship of such deities, the Dohwars hope to become the best merchants in the multiverse without alienating or offending any god in particular.


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