Tarquinnian Idioms Language in A Shattered Empire - Vardania | World Anvil
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Tarquinnian Idioms

If you got something important say it! I am not here to listen to the songs of Mean.
  Looking for poetry? For beautiful metaphors giving insight into the depths of the human psyche? Well then you clearly let your hands do the walking. Vardanians, especially those living in the Heartlands, are short and to the point. They have not much appreciation for flowery language. Sarcasm and Irony are what the Tarquinnians love to use.   To foreigners this can at first be rather irritating and Vardanians have a reputation as rude assholes among the inhabitants of other continents. This is a misconception however as even insults are rarely meant personal.   Tarquinnians will tell you the truth bluntly and without regard for feelings. Trying to "protect" someone by omitting information is seen as a severe insult.   Popular Tarquinnian Idioms:   You'd have an easier time getting a Feran to admit he's wrong.

Sure, and my mother fucked the Emperor.

There's always a Dawn.

Why do you constantly kick the bear?

It ain't over till the fat lady sings.

The bow sings sweeter than the bard ever could.
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Sarcasm   Vardanians are cynical by nature. Be it from their expiriences during the Age of Wrath and Time of Twilight or some natural inclination to it (a widespread believe among Ferans for example).   Their cynical nature shows itself in various ways. Nearly half of all Vardanians are ireligious. Furthermore sarcasm in all its forms is a generally accepted and even expected part of social interactions.   The Senate (governing body of most larger cities) are the epitome of this. Politicians will fill their speeches with sarcastic remarks and colorful insults at the opposing party or political rivals.   At academies training ones skills at sarcastic, biting and witty remarks is an important part of oratory courses.

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Cover image: by Verti


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