
Omagakiins (whose name translates as Little Frog) is a unique child of the Osawkee tribe. Blessed by the spirits to be simultaneously male and female, she is possessed of great spiritual power.

Physical Description

Body Features

Slender, tall and graceful, with hips a bit wider than a normal man's and the small breasts associated with a young woman her age.

Facial Features

Beautiful, both pretty and handsome, with great lashes over large eyes and full lips.

Identifying Characteristics

The most obvious identifying feature would be the male and female genitalia. Omagakiins possesses both testes and ovaries. But as one would expect of any other, Omagakiins's genitalia are not typically exposed in public for the world to see.

Apparel & Accessories

Omagakiins wears typical utilitarian clothing, adorned with the accoutrements of hyr apprenticeship.

Specialized Equipment

Anyone seeing Omagakiins will perceive hyr as attractive in whichever gender way they see attractiveness. This is one of the effects of hyr spiritual power.

Cover image: Tulcor's Rifts World Title by Tulcor


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