A fiery dwarf with a bad temper.
A fuzzy Russian dwarf with cat-like features. Its fiery eyes give away its supernatural nature. It can change shape into a hawk or a whirlwind.
Basic Information
Biological Traits
Can ignite combustible materials at will. Can change shape to a hawk and a whirlwind.
Additional Information
Facial characteristics
Long hair on the face resembles a cat, with a mustache that looks like whiskers, to cowlicks in their hair where a cat's ears would be.
Geographic Origin and Distribution
Limited to the Russian countryside
Average Intelligence
a little less intelligent than the average human, with no education speak of.
Civilization and Culture
Naming Traditions
Осинник is its name in cyrillic. Phonetically it is Ovinnik, but translated, it means something like "cousin"
Average Technological Level
Major Language Groups and Dialects
Oddly, Ovinnik speak Elemental Fire as well as Faerie.
Common Dress Code
unclothed normally. They do like to wear hats, though, and other accessories of rank and privilege.
Common Myths and Legends
In Russia, they are known for setting fire to granaries. When Russians see a whirlwind they will throw knives into it in hope of fending away the Ovinnik.
Interspecies Relations and Assumptions
They are despised by the people of Russia and will be attacked on sight.
This species is not eligible for player characters
Average Height
less than a meter tall
Average Weight
about the size of medium sized dog
Body Tint, Colouring and Marking
Black fuzzy limbs with hairy face reminiscent of a cat, yet fully humanoid. Would easily be mistaken for a hairy dwarf if encountered in clothing.