The Cosmic Mind Organization in A Strange New World | World Anvil

The Cosmic Mind

Arcane users who embrace the unfiltered arcane energy of ley lines.   The euphoria of Ley Line Sickness can be addicting. Some people believe the euphoria is a glimpse at a higher state of being, a state of cosmic unity; and they will do everything they can to experience it.   They call this unity The Cosmic Mind.


There is no organizational structure. What could an organization possibly provide to enlightenment and advancement other than an obstacle.

Divine Origins

The shattering of Earth's biosphere during the great cataclysm released arcane energy into the physical world where it concentrates in ley lines. This highly concentrated arcane energy is so dense and pure that magic-wielding people get high from it and addicted to that high.   They called it a cosmic high since it made them feel like they were one with the cosmos. And while most people had the better sense to limit their exposure to ley line energy, there were some who strived to advance that cosmic high to an even higher state of being. Unfortunately, nearly all those who attempted this would die of their exposure, while any survivors became grotesque magical monstrosities. Among the devotees and those searching to reach the unity of the cosmic mind, these Grotesks were viewed as divinely touched beings, exemplars of the cosmic experience, blessed with the gifts of enlightenment. Even so, the truly devoted believed that a truly worthy devotee should not stop with such blessings and could instead advance beyond the physical and become arcane energy itself, diffused into a state of pure life energy, united with all the cosmos.   It is the pursuit of such an unattainable pure existince that drives devotees of the Cosmic Mind.


While it is not a religion, there are enough devotees to the ultimate goal of unity with all that is arcane that there is a cultlike following in some places. Foremost among them is in the The Federation of Magic, where belief in the primacy of magic has led some there to a reckless near-worship of Grotesks. Such cults are full of non-magic users who pine for the ability to be struck with such blessings and who will undoubtedly reach a violent end while worshiping at the feet of the berzerk monsters.

Granted Divine Powers

Adherents to the cosmic mind are granted immense gifts. Not only are their bodies warped as they become magic flesh, often exhibiting supernatural strength and resilience, but their minds become so saturated as to make arcane abilities effortless.   So, while ley line sickness has caused them to deplete all their natural power points, their ability to draw power from the ley lines themselves doubles their magical capabilities, and the more power they draw through themselves, the more power they are capable of drawing.   Eventually, if a devotee survives the grotesk phase with his or her mind intact, they will experience apotheosis. They will actually become beings of pure arcane energy and unite with the ley lines, becoming one with all the life force of the planet and the infinite dimensions to which it is connected. This is the goal they seek.
The evolution of a sufferer of Ley Line Sickness into a being of pure arcane life energy connected with all life is actually a real process. It is not just some fever dream of the addicted. The glimpse of unity is real, and the euphoria associated with Ley Line Sickness is not just from altered brain chemistry, it is a symptom of experiencing this unity and connectedness with the life force of the entire planet and all the dimensional realities to which it connects.   So the cosmic mind movement has a very real basis and trying to tell a devotee that what they feel isn't real is wasted breath. It is real, and they are taking very concrete steps towards achieving the ends they seek.   This is what makes the cosmic mind so attractive, and so deadly.

Cover image: Tulcor's Rifts World Title by Tulcor


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