|A| Ocarin Stonehollow: Ex memoriam

Ocarin Stonehollow was a dwarf of the Sword Coast (that part is flexible if the others said they're not from the Forgotten Realms), and not necessarily one anyone would think twice about. Not particularly good at anything, or especially clever, but friendly. He didn't work, or in fact contribute to his small town in any significant way, except to sing at the bars around town for a modest living. When a strange and beautiful Shadar-Kai came to town, it was the first time anyone special ever took notice of him. Ocarin and Charlamagne began to spend a lot of time together, and even did a little bit of traveling.
  Unfortunately, it was on one of these journeys that the two were ambushed by a vampire. Ocarin was killed by the vampire, but not turned. Charlamagne desperately searched for someone who could heal Ocarin, and eventually came upon a monastery who would all too familiar with death. They agreed to resurrect him, but when he came back, he was different. The touch of death was still on him, and his personality had changed to become notably more solemn, and seemingly more filled with wisdom. He came back speaking of the other side, and even the music he made had a strange, ethereal power. The monastery sent one of their guides, a human named Warren, to travel with the pair a while and make sure nothing was amiss.
  The truth is, Ocarin was not killed by the vampire. The vampire bit and was turning him, and to prevent him from becoming a vampire, Charlamagne slit his throat beneath the bite so his blood would not reach the vampire's teeth. He still has this wound across his neck, but no one has noticed it because it's covered by his large beard.
  Ocarin carries a large Irish flute, a bohran (to which he has now attached small bones to give a tambourine effect), and a bouzouki. He also carries, as his focus, a bone necklace with a locket which magically sealed at his death, and has not been able to open since. He doesn't know what's inside the locket, though he assumes it might be a picture of someone who was close to him in life.

The Father of the Bride

In the dead of night while resting in Barovia's Burgomaster Mansion, the spirit of one Burgomaster Kolyan Indirovich came to Ocarin and begged him to keep his daughter, Ireena Kolyana safe. When Ocarin promised, he felt a grave chill from his bones and gave rest to the soul of the Burgomaster.

The Hanged Man

While exploring the Ivlis River Crossroads, the Guardians of the Horizon found a galley with a single hanged corpse. A ghoulish figure in old tattered robes appeared to Ocarin in the distance, and ushered the soul of the hanged man into the forest to the west.

The Legion of Dusk

While fighting an amalgamation of Dusk Elf souls trapped within the catacombs beneath the Town of Vallaki, Ocarin found within himself the capacity to consume the thousands of souls and usher them into realm beyond. The experience threatened to destroy him and his already fragile ego, but a great power stopped him, "careful now."

The Patron of Fugue

While his friends rested, Ocarin attempted to contact the deity he believed to be connected to. The entity was too weak to speak directly, but responded with indignance when he was asked if he was one of the gods of death.
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Ocarin Stonehollow: Ex memoriam Queststages