|A| Warren Peace: The Duality of Beast

Turned when he was younger by rouge werewolf by simply being in the wrong place at thr wrong time. struggled with the change and tried to prevent/purge it for years but eventually gave in to the madness referring to his shifted form as a "Demon" after years of roaming around the world he decided it was time to "work" with the demon and bring it under his control. High in the mountains, he stumbled upon the Monastery, hiding a village of monks dedicated to auras of life and death. He has spent roughly 10 years deticating himself to the control and command of his second self. Never forgetting the tragedies he has caused and making a vow to only shift when someone is in danger.
  The Order of the Blinding Shadow is an order of dedicated monks who live high in the mountains and far from the common man who'd might otherwise misunderstand their arts and traditions.
  In their monastery, Raven's Crow, the masters train those willing to learn the ways of the Shadow. To The Order of the Blinding Shadow, death is not a force to feared, but instead simply obscured by darkness, and that the balance between life and death can be as broad as the ocean and as sharp as a razor's edge. Any thing that may have to power to protect that balance inherits a burden of obligation to do so.
  The Order is very open to training outsiders in their way and regularly sends out it's students and graduates to explore and right the balance of the world at large.
  Secret: Warren Peace
Before he, Ocarin, and Charlemagne were sent off the master of the order told Warren in secret that his secret mission was to keep an eye on the undead dwarf and should he become a danger to the population to return him to the earth from which he has risen.
  The day he was given the orders was the day before they were set to leave to attempt to retrieve Ocarins memories or help regain what he was before.
  When he arrived at his chambers the master was waiting for him with a worried look and hurried him into privacy and informed him that the ritual had gone wrong and that they were not sure if they really brought back who they thought they did and that while we were on our journey to keep a close eye on Ocarin and that if he moved to harm a friend or innocent to remove him from this world.

Foreboding Omens

The night of his first day in Barovia, Warren had a haunting dream:
Secret: Warren Peace
Warren remembered his meeting with his master, Master Dao, but when his master bid him to take out Ocarin if he ever showed signs of evil, Master Dao was consumed by darkness, wept blood, and begged Warren to, "kill the usurper!"
GM Link(s)
Warren Peace: The Duality of Beast Queststages