A Tale of Three Hungry Crows

So very long ago, there were three hungry crows. Not starved but nonetheless empty.
  These three crows sought power and pride and they found everything that they had ever hoped for - though it was not enough for any one of them.
  Their ambitions grew and so did their reach, until one day the three hungry crows found a dead tree at the center of a most ancient grove, and sat atop it was a tired old crow.
  The old crow wanted to rest. His weary gaze fell upon the murder of three. He found them disdainful, disgraceful, and dishonest, though they showed themselves capable. The old crow seceded his perch to the three and found his reprieve.
  The three became wicked, and coveted all for their own glory. They began to twist the old crow’s grove and themselves became twisted. They became vultures.
  A great guardian came and sentenced the old crow to atonement for his negligence. The time had come for the old crow to take back his duty, but before he could take to the sky, tendrils of a terrible darkness took him. The three crows laughed.
Imagery, Religious