Gadof Blinsky

Gadof Blinsky is intent on become the most beloved toymaker in the land. Though his lack of aptitude and perhaps a touch of madness seem to stand in his way. Despite his protestations and under threat of a firey death, Gadof has found sucess in the town of Village of Vallaki by creating dolls based on the dreams of one deranged Izek Strazni.
If not for the daily crowds seeking to purchace the latest model of "the Duchess" a passerby would find Gadof living in squalor. His clothes are patched and torn, and the vast majority of the toys displaed in his storefront seems almost completely untouched. Gadof himself works around the clock and barely gets any sleep in the night for fear that such a time of rest could have been more productively used to fashion more dolls.
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Rotund, clumsy, clown
Lisp, squeaky
Character Phrase(s)
"I've heard of holding a fire sale, but this is ridiculous!"