Journal of Udo "D" Lukovich

This journal recounts the life of one Udo “D” Lukovich beginning with a story of how Udo was saved by a foreign adventurer from the Baron’s torture closet and ending with Dissonant Lyric’s plan to liberate Vallaki from the corruption of the elite.
“I was a child; an urchin on the streets of Vallaki. The Baron was the symbol of everything that caused me to suffer. I had intended on eating the fruit I had stolen, I was hungry, but when the opportunity to make a fool of the Baron presented itself, I could not resist. He made me pay. ‘No one will miss a nobody.’”

“I had been tortured beyond my ability to remember. According to Thorm, a ‘Harper’ from a far away land, a cleric had to perform a Restoration spell to save me from my babbling. It had been weeks since the Baron took me. He had me chained up in a closet. I was starved, and beaten, and broken. Thorm and his party had just rolled into town the day before when they saved me. The Baron had them run out of town, but me and a few other kids off the street joined them. Anywhere was better than there.”

“Thorm, a bard, Archa, the cleric, and ‘Mord’, the mage. They taught us many things. Thorm gave me his book; a promise he made to protect the innocent and fight evil wherever it rears its ugly head. That’s why they’re here at all! They want to rally the people of Barovia to rebel against the Dreadlord. I swear to help them succeed.”

“They’re dead. We woke up in Mord’s magic mansion and they’d all had gone without us. Even Doru Donavich went with them, but they left a note that said we were too young. Its bullshit. It's been days, there’s no way they survived.”

“We’ve decided to make a band. Dissonant Lyric. Our mission is to follow the Harper’s Code and do the job that Thorm dreamed of - to free Barovia.”

“I swear I saw Mord in the woods today. It can’t be him, it's been almost ten years now. It must have been a trick of the mists. But I saw his face between the trees. If its him, he’s lost his mind; he didn’t recognize me. I hope they’d be proud of us.”

“Blackpowder. A Vistani says he can get us more next week. If we can get it into the catacombs beneath the town, I think we have an idea. The Baron will get what’s coming to him. He will rue the day that he took me from the streets. He deserves to DIE!”
Journal, Personal