Mirror of the Shade

Magic mirror on the wall,
Summon forth your shade;
Night’s dark vengeance, heed my call
And wield your murderous blade.
An ornate mirror with filigrees of an ancient culture of Shadar Kai. The top of the mirror hold three glowing crystals and the bottom holds a fourth.
  Scrying Eyes. Up to three times a day, if you speak the name of a creature while looking into the mirror, the mirror will show you the creasture as though you cast the scrying spell. The creature automatically fails their save to resist the spell and it creates an invisible sensor within 10 feet of the target. You can see and hear through the sensor as if you were there. The sesor moves with the target, remaining within 10 feet of it for the duration. A creature that can see invisible objects sees the sensor as a luminous orb about the size of your fist.
  Bleeding Hearts. Once per day, if you speak the incantation enshrined around the edge of the mirror, you can summon a Shade. This Shade will ask you for a name and if you give it one the Shade will seek out and kill the creature with that name. The Shade magically knows the location and fastest route to the creature. If the creature has a challenge rating equal to or lower than yours, the Shade will succeed in killing it. Using this feature may grant you a point of Corruption. Each point of Corruption grants you great and terrible power... the power to save the ones you love... the power to remove the ones in your way... the power to make your own destiny... power... and freedom... and no one can stop you!
You need only wish it... Oh, Guaridian, mine...
Item type