Thorm Quietsong's Harper's Code

This worn and tattered book is a copy of the Harper’s Code. The owner of the book used the margin to inscribe a number of formulas and instructions for useful “disruptive” tools - a cookbook of sorts for those opposed to “tyranny”.
"Harpers work against villainy and wickedness wherever they find it—but they work ever mindful of the consequences of what they do."
  "All beings should walk free of fear, with the right to live their lives as they wish."
  "The rule of law aids peace and fosters freedom, so long as the laws are just and those who enforce them lenient and understanding."
  "No extreme is good. For freedom to flourish, all must be in balance: the powers of realms, the reaches of the cities and the wilderlands into each other, and the influence of one being over another."
  "Whatever it takes, a Harper will do. Pride never rules the deeds of a true Harper."
  "Harpers can spare themselves less freedom than those they work to protect must have—but even a Harper must be free."
  "Harpers police their own. A Harper who hears the call of personal power can no longer hear the sweet song of the harp. A Harper who seizes power, and holds it above all else, is a traitor to the harp. Traitors must die, for freedom to live."
  "Without a past, no being can appreciate what they have, and where they may be going."
“I shall do no less.”
Journal, Personal