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Crescentia (Cres-Cen-Tia)

The Moon Port is a bustling spaceport located on the surface of the moon, The City amongst the stars. An early settlement, during the Terran Expansion, turned major trade port for the Eastern Expanse. The port consists of a vast network of spacecraft docks, warehouses, and maintenance facilities, all of which are built into the rocky terrain of the lunar surface. The entire port is encircled by a massive magical dome, which protects it from the harsh vacuum of space and provides a breathable atmosphere for its inhabitants.   The Moon Port is a hub of interstellar commerce and trade, with traders and merchants from all over the galaxy coming to buy and sell their wares. Visitors to the Moon Port can expect to see all manner of spacecraft, ranging from sleek and modern vessels to clunky, hulking freighters. The port is also home to a wide range of alien species, from insectoid creatures to towering behemoths.   One of the main features of the Moon Port is its bustling marketplace, where traders sell everything from exotic alien artifacts to basic supplies like food and water. Visitors can browse the stalls and haggle with merchants to find the best deals. The port is also home to a variety of bars, restaurants, and other entertainment venues, making it a popular destination for travelers looking to relax and unwind.


Rumor states that the moon was mined until it was nothing more than a crescent that was then build into an inorganic city in the stars. Buildings stack on building on the surface make up shanty type slums with a mix of warehouse districts, taverns, marketplaces The inner layers of the Moon make up most of the residential and arctician workshops with 5 levels of increased importance the lower you travel. Living on top of each other the city takes after a 4 part caste system based on the level you live on. The Nobles- Rule makers and ordnance crafters : Lives on the Base Floor 5 The Merchants- conductors of business' and transitions : Lives on floor 4 The Arcticians- producers of goods and services : Lives on Floor 1-3 The Commoners- the laborers, servants, beggars : Lives on Top Floor and Floor 1


Light from the Solora Sun 1st and largest allows for 19 hours of sunlit on the moons surface

Ecosystem Cycles

Equonix occurs 3 times a year were complete darkness falls for 3 days while Montressor Covers Solora


Part of the three Ethera currents run by Crescentia, McCullough Current, Stygian Current, and Truing Current.

Fauna & Flora

Only what is brought in the moon itself is artificially built up and not organic in its current nature


Crescentia is a city that lies in the Amontillado Galaxy orbiting Montressor controlled by the Terran Empire, a vast and powerful nation that spans across several galaxy's. The city was founded by a group of void explorers and merchants who were looking for new trade routes and opportunities. They discovered a moon that lies on the intersection of three Etherium Current's, which they named Crescentia after the captain's wife.   The city soon became a prosperous and bustling trade hub, attracting people from all over the empire and beyond. The city was divided into four districts, each corresponding to a caste in the empire’s social hierarchy: the Nobles, the Merchants, the Artisans, and the Commoners. The Nobles lived in lavish mansions and estates on the underside of the port city, enjoying the best views and amenities. The Merchants lived in spacious townhouses and warehouses near the docks, where they conducted their business and transactions. The Artisans lived in modest workshops and studios in the inner city, where they produced goods and services for the other castes. The Commoners lived in crowded slums and shantytowns on the first level of the underbelly of the city, where they worked as laborers, servants, or beggars.   The city was governed by a council of representatives from each caste, who met at Florain Hall, the main government building named after the explorer captain who has been resopnsable for much of the expansion of the city. The council was responsible for making laws and policies for the city, as well as collecting taxes and fees from the citizens. The council was also accountable to the emperor, who appointed a Lord Warden to oversee the city and enforce his will.   The city had no formal guards or police force, as each caste had its own private security and militia. However, there was a mercenary guard service in the city called the Enforcers, who were contracted by individuals or groups to protect their assets and property. The Enforcers were known for their brutality and efficiency, as they would use any means necessary to fulfill their contracts.   The city’s history was marked by several events and incidents that shaped its culture and identity. Some of these events were:   The Great Fire: A massive fire that broke out in the Merchant District due to an accident involving a shipment of flammable oil. The fire spread quickly and engulfed most of the district, destroying many buildings and goods. The fire also reached the Artisan District, where it caused further damage and casualties. The fire was eventually put out by the efforts of the Royal Navy, who used their ships’ cannons to create firebreaks. The fire resulted in a huge economic loss for the city, as well as a social unrest among the castes.   The Pirate War: A series of raids and attacks by A pirate clan who preyed on the trade ships that came in and out of Crescentia. The pirates were led by a notorious captain named Blackbeard, who had a personal vendetta against the city’s Lord Warden. The pirates caused havoc and terror among the merchants and sailors, as well as stealing their cargo and valuables. The pirates also clashed with the Royal Navy, who tried to stop them from disrupting the empire’s trade network. The war ended when Blackbeard was killed by a rival pirate named Calico Jack, who betrayed him and handed him over to the Lord Warden.   The Rebellion: A revolt by the Commoners against the Nobles, who they accused of oppressing them and exploiting them. The revolt was sparked by a a food shortage due to an invasive rodent population eating all available reserves for the lower city. The Commoners demanded more food and rights from the Nobles, who refused to share their wealth or resources. The Commoners then took up arms and stormed Florain Hall, where they confronted the council and the Lord Warden. The revolt was quelled by the Enforcers, who were hired by the Nobles to suppress the uprising. The Enforcers massacred many Commoners and arrested their leaders, who were executed or exiled.


The port city was also a popular shore leave for the Royal Navy academy, Port Ivy, located west of Crescentia. The Royal Navy is composed of sailors, marines, officers, and engineers who operated and maintained a fleet of ships that patrolled the seas and defended the empire’s interests. The Royal Navy has its own base and dockyard in Crescentia, where they stored their supplies and repaired their vessels. The Royal Navy also took shore leave in Cressida, where they enjoyed the city’s entertainment and attractions.
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