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Novi (NOH-vee)

Novi was an ancient astronomer, mathematician, and philosopher who lived in the Lucernian clan around 800 PWS. He was born in the city of Sloma in 844 PWS and from an early age showed a keen interest in studying the heavens and tracking the movement of the sun, moon, and stars.   In his 20s, Novi traveled to many lands and studied with scholars, astrologers, and priests to learn their cosmological systems and calendar rituals. During this period, he recognized that many calendars at the time were inaccurate or contained too many irregularities.   When he returned home, Novi set up an observatory to make systematic observations of the sun, planets, and constellations. He kept meticulous records and used math and geometry to analyze the data and patterns he saw.   After many years of observations, around 814 PWS, Novi formulated a new calendar system for the Lucernian clan that was solar-based, contained 12 regular months, and introduced intercalary days - the calendar that now bears his name. He presented his calendar to the clan elders, who recognized its rationality and accuracy and adopted it for imperial use.   The Novian Calendar quickly spread through the land and beyond due to its consistency and alignment with the seasons. Novi dedicated the rest of his life to astronomical study, writing books on cosmology, inventing astronomical instruments, and training students. He died in 789 PWS at the old age of 55, leaving behind an enduring legacy as the father of the Novian calendar.   Novi was revered for centuries as a great scholar and scientific mind. The Novian Calendar serves as a tribute to his intelligence and contributions to ancient astronomy and timekeeping.
by Midjourney
844 PWR 789 PWR -55 years old
Circumstances of Death
Old Age
Place of Death


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