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Orm Erickson (Orm Eh-rick-son)

Orm Erickson

Orm Erickson was born in Calembar kingdom on the mainland in the late 11th century PWR. He came from a family of seafaring merchants and traders. Even as a young man, Orm was fascinated by the oceans and dreamed of discovering new fishing grounds. In 1102 PWR, during one of his trading voyages, Orm's ship was blown off course and came upon an uninhabited island about 30 miles from the mainland.   Upon exploring the island's coastline and surrounding waters, Orm was astounded by the abundant marine life he encountered. Schools of beltfish, moon jellyfish, and other exotic species were plentiful. He realized this could be an untapped bounty to provide fish and profits for the kingdom.   Orm returned to Calembar with samples and tales of his discovery. He met with High Alpha Stephen and convinced him to grant him exclusive rights to found a fishing village on the island in exchange for a share of the catches.   In 1103 PWR, Orm led a group of volunteers, including fishermen, farmers, and their families, back to the island to establish a permanent settlement. They named it Ormsbury in his honor. Though the island lacked fertile soil and fresh water, the settlers thrived on the bounty from the sea under Orm's guidance.   Orm taught the villagers techniques for netting, curing and transporting fish so they could be sold on the mainland. Under his leadership as the village founder and leader, Ormsbury grew prosperous fishing the exotic waters surrounding the island.   Orm continued fishing and operating his village until his death in 1120 PWR at an old age. By then, Ormsbury had become renowned as the source of Calembar's finest catches. Its people carried on Orm's legacy of working hard and living independently off the sea for generations to come.
by Midjouney
1058 PWR 1120 PWR 62 years old
Circumstances of Death
Old Age


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