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The Gnomes were a semi-civilized race that existed during the Time of Beasts that were driven into extinction by overhunting. Little is known about Gnomish civilization, or if even ever there were permanently settled Gnomish villages as all traces have been lost to the passing ages.  

Relation to Goblins

While no records go back far enough to validate the claim, adventurers who have spoken to particularly boisterous goblins will often hear the story that the Goblins are in fact distant ancestors to the Gnomes. They will often cite things such as the fact that Goblins only began to appear at the very end of the time in which the Gnomes were hunted down by the Lizardmen, that they were the sons and daughters of the gnomes too foul to eat. Other things they might be quick to point out is their similar aptitudes for magic, and of course their short stature.  


Sometime, thousands of years ago while the Lizardmen still roamed the main lands, before Hattokar's Tragedy, gnomes were often hunted for food by the Lizardmen who owned much of the known world. It is a most vile concept to us that one civilized race might consume another, story tellers from the Empire of Qeyte'Piqan have often justified their past actions as that, the gnomes were frankly a most profound delicacy. Annecdotally, we are told they prone a near constant hi-pitched chatter and before they were hunted, it is said they often ignored the many social customs of the Lizardmen. We will never be able to know for sure, if this was true.


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