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Peter Stevens

Peter Stevens

Peter Stevens - Paladin. Godly parent: Ares - god of war. Does not know who their Godly parent is. He is a man. Human parent is his mother.   Age/Physical Appearance/Clothes: Age: 2nd or 3rd year college student (20-21). Physical Appearance: 6'3", athletic but not ripped, has a beard that grew in before all of his other friends keeps it longer, brown hair, green eyes. Fashionable pair of joggers (not lululemon because he can’t afford it), ¾ length t-shirt in solid color. Keeps him warm if chilly but still cool and the sun off of him.   High School: Gets along with people. A few close friends but generally is friendly with all people. Peter has found that fights often break out around him. He has become skilled in talking people down from fighting.   College: Lives in San Jose. Attends San Jose State. Major: Forensics and Crime Scene Investigation.   Dreams for the Future: Wants to work in a forensics lab or be there on scene to figure out what happened. Interested in solving both current and cold cases because he really wants to find breakthroughs to find closure for people.   Home (city/apartment/dorm room): Lives in a small studio apartment. Pretty simple twin bed. His feet hang off, but it is all he can afford. Has generally fresh food, but nothing crazy. Tries to cook when spare time. He has a vinyl collection with famous bay area bands, tower of power, funk, bass-heavy, reggae vibe. Simple set-up with a small table. Not room for a TV right now. Spends a lot of time in the campus library. Has a laptop. Surfboard hanging on his wall.   Hobbies: reading (fiction and non-fiction), cooking, surfing   Human Mother: Angela “Angie” Stevens. Very close to mom. Mother is very strong and never made excuses for what she had to do to raise him on her own. He always felt the need to try and look out for her and take care of her. Only knows that his father was someone who she was close with. He had to leave and didn't know that she was pregnant. He was funny, strong, and willing to stand up and confront people but left before GC was born. She was unable to contact him again. Does not know the Gods exist. She is very compassionate and loving but also no nonsense. She is a manager at a bank in town. She studied finance but is more managerial than anything else.   Best Friend: Male. They went to school together since elementary school. They are in college together. He is the life of the party – wants to go out and be with people all the time. Tries to pull Pater out of his shell to meet people. Different major than Peter. Peter also has to calm his friend down in tense situations. Friend never actually exchanges blows but enjoys talking shit and can push people’s buttons.   Other Relationships: Peter has a professor for one class and a TA in another department that he leans on heavily for things while in school. Professor in his 50s and worked in the field. Peter is constantly trying to pick their brains to figure out where he wants to work and pick his brain. TA is a woman who is just a few years older than Peter but has gone through a similar career/school track. Peter talks with her about fun cases (not always work related).
Owned Vehicles

Cover image: Greek temple by magic_bee


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