A World Unclaimed

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A late Bronze age/early Iron age inspired Setting seeking to explore the questions of the meaning of faith and Gods where there is no established canon.   Technologically and population-wise we find ourselves in a time period similar to what in our own world could vaguely be placed somewhere between 1200 and 800BC, where cities could have up to and in rare cases over 100.000 people living in them, a time in which some cultures with a history of great metallurgists started adopting Iron as their metal of choice.
Slavery is a widely-spread practice and large swathes of Land remain sparcely or entirely uninhabited. Seafaring is only done through coasthopping over small distances and what lies beyond the great ocean is a mystery to all.
  The World (but not player characters) operates on the rules of gritty realism, a world where a well-timed, lucky arrow can fell great kings, where a small cut in the finger can lead to necrosis and if unlucky a lost hand, arm or life. It is a world where one does not simply sit on the ground and take a break to sweat off the 3 stabwounds in their chest.   The existence of magic is commonly known and accepted, though its practice as a “science”, in so far as the scientific method even exists in these times, is a rather new development, with most knowledge, methods and applications of and about magic still residing in the realm of myth and the divine.   The current year is 32SF, according to The Thaamir Calendar, the most commonly used calendar on Kashura.