Dima Bilan

The best cook in Port Withermore! Dima Bilan (a.k.a. Attic Boy)


  • Ate a scroll one time to see if it would give him power (It did not)

Physical Description

General Physical Condition


Body Features

Has a tattoo on his right arm/hand. His hair is in a bun to keep it from getting in the way. Wears a lot of black, but recently adopted purple too. Prefers loose and breezy clothes.

Facial Features

Generally has a curious expression on his face. Thinks a lot and asks a lot of questions.

Identifying Characteristics

Doesn’t like restricting clothes and typically wears all black/purple. Wears a set unidentifiable bones on parts of his body, as well as a fluffy white set of pouldrons.

Physical quirks

Not very strong. Once got asked NOT to help when breaking out of a cell (due to chance of hindering the effort).

Special abilities

Pretty good at getting away and posessing the enemy.

Apparel & Accessories

Dark and witchy aesthetic. Wouldn’t mind wearing more bones. Personally likes the clothes he got handed down from his dad, but doesn’t mind adding to the collection.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Ask him.

Gender Identity

Male (although a lot of weird fashion choices).


Doesn’t care about appearance or gender. It’s the personality that matters. (Demi-sexual)


Got educated by his dad in the art of necromancy, cooking, and general arcane knowledge. Adopted his dads patron deity despite not knowing anything about them.


- Past : Cook for the Savory Cauldron.
- Past : Cook for the Salt & Battery.
- Currently: Sous Chef on the Leviathan!

Failures & Embarrassments

Too many to list.

Mental Trauma

Doesn’t like clothes that restrict movement, fish in his underpants, being chased by angry sheep, being stranded and starving at sea, walking around town by himself or without a disguise. He’s generally a very skittish person that gets nervous easily.
Also doesn’t like to watch people fuck and gets easily flustered.

Intellectual Characteristics

Extremely curious about necromancy and new types of magic. Can be bribed or goaded for new information.

Morality & Philosophy

Unclear. Family and friends before anything. Obeying the law will keep them from noticing or questioning you, but that’s about as far as it goes.


Doesn’t mix necromancy and food related instances. That’s gross.

Personality Characteristics


Wants to see the world and explore new places. Also wants to try a lot of new foods from different countries and gather new recipes for his own personal cookbook (one day).

Savvies & Ineptitudes

Savvy: Good Cook and can live outside by himself pretty well. Pretty knowledgeable about general magic and witchcraft.

Ineptetudes: Not used to many people, especially ones that try and trick him.

Likes & Dislikes

  • Magic
  • The Leviathan
  • Cooking
  • The other friends he made along the way (Victor, Rys, Arkane, Mayamiko)
  • Getting shot/kidnapped
  • Worrying about the Diaz/Victor situation
  • Getting pushed around by Zara
  • Zecht trying to give him his baby


Very clean. Showers at least once or twice a day. You can’t go from dissecting and stitching a body straight to prep the meat for the days dishes.


Contacts & Relations

Parents (he knows their names but generally doesn’t tell people.)
Diaz (Dad)
Captain Orion (Captain)

Family Ties

Parents - (deceased?) Father - Diaz

Religious Views

TECHNICALLY Arameera, but Diaz never really cared to worship her and so neither did Dima. Especially after he found out she created the meerans.

Social Aptitude



Curious and shy, but will bombard you with questions if you’re nice and he feels comfortable.

Hobbies & Pets

Cooking, reading, studying, and as of recent maybe drinking.


Please don’t make him say a speech. He’d be a nervous wreck.

Wealth & Financial state

Rich for a peasant but always in need of money to learn more.

Shiny witch that was the best damn cook in Port Withermore! Much better than the current owner of the popular restaurant “The Savory Couldron”!

View Character Profile
Neutral Evil
Honorary & Occupational Titles
George Whiteclaw. The best cook in Stonehew.
27 (?)
The Wretched Woods
Current Residence
The Leviathan
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Quotes & Catchphrases
“Backup Plans make you immortal” - Rys
“Perfect plans make you immortal” - Zackson
“Don’t give them your chips” - Captain Orion
“If you have two drinks and you have to spill one, spill the less full one.” - random guy in a different reality
“Octocock” - That’s Vale
Known Languages
Common, celestial, draconic, necral.