Ash Elf

"Some sort of quote and stuff about Ash Elves"

  One of the youngest races, the mysterious ash elves are said to have been molded from ash created by Deiahdrahl†'s flames. Largely considered to hail from the Gezralahdnat Territory and surrounding areas, ash elves are lithe hunters and adapt magic users, even before the disappearance of Baza.   

The Cat Elf


Ash elves are the smallest of the elven races, standing between four and five feet tall. Their skin is often muted, desaturated shades of earthy colors - given them a 'ashen' look - with hair that usually falls in similar colors. They are known for their striking eyes, which are often vibrant shades of red, orange, or yellow, and are known to glow in dim light. Their pointed ears are sometimes called 'cat-like', earning them the nickname of 'cat elves'. Like wood elves, their frames are often lithe and nimble, and even the most physically strong of them is unlikely to put on much muscle.

Age & Reproduction

Ash elves live, on average, to be around 120 years old. They mature a little slower than humans, reaching their juvenile stage around 20, adulthood around 35, and old age around 80. 
On average, ash elves give birth to one child per pregnancy - though like humans, twins and so forth are uncommon but not unheard of. Ash elf hybrids  are not uncommon - ash elves tend to integrate tightly into other communities, and do not necessarily see their race as a stronger tie to another than any other factor.

General Culture

Ash elves do not have much culture or heritage they personally draw from. With a cloudy origin and little place of origin to speak of, ash elves can often be found incorporated into other cultures that stem from the Draakrahlr area - most often taking parts from Drylvu and Levnobliil. By nature, ash elves are talented magic users, inherently imbued with more magic than most elves do. 

Ash elves are widely accepted in other cultures, and are treated as any other elf.


Ash elves have inherent magic capabilities that surpass that of most elves, and are naturally inclined to learning magic as well. Their eyes allow them to see in lower light.
120 years
Average Height
Geographic Distribution
Related Ethnicities


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