
In Aanrah, all things big and small, animate and inanimate, sentient or unsentient, have a small fragment of divinity inside them. This shard, or aspect, helps determine what a person or a thing is - and what it can be used for or become.

The Nature of the Divine

Divine Aspect

Everything in Aanrah has aspect to it - something that could be used to describe what it is. This tiny piece of divine nature influences both the object and things interacting with the object. It defines both what the thing is, what can be done with it, and what it can become. In a metaphorical sense, divine aspects work somewhat like a #tag. Most things have a clutter of aspects, many of them very specific and minor - especially in relation to living beings. A mortal is a collection of every choice they've made, the things they like, the things they've experienced, and so forth. While in a bigger picture they may tell a story, each aspect itself is often too small and weak to mean anything on its own, and is susceptible to changing. Other objects, like a stone for example, may have more fixed properties - both from a physical standpoint (what minerals it is made of, how sturdy and hard it is, etc.) and a metaphysical standpoint (the representation of cultural ideas related to earth, for example). Inanimate objects can swing between 'fairly fixed' to 'fairly mutable', depending on a variety of factors.
As a being moves up the scale of divinity, their aspects become more fixed and limited. A individual who's aspects could have been described as "likes to hunt with his bow", "lived in the woods in a cabin", "afraid of outsiders", and "likes flowers" may become "hunts with a bow" "lives in the wilderness" to "hunts" and "nature". Mortals who ascend into divinity become more powerful in certain aspects of their lives, but may not realize themselves losing other, 'less important' ones. With mortals being the most broad in divine aspects, quasi or demigods begin to lock into certain 'directions' of their aspects, and each subsequent 'rank' of divinity (lesser, intermediate, greater, elder) narrows that window more, as well as generally makes it more broad. While not always 100% true, aspects generally trend from 'very specific' to 'broad', the difference between "autumn leaves dropped after a storm" and "nature".
Divine beings are, as a result, very narrow in their scape of thoughts and abilities - someting entierly enforced by the aspects that made them. Mortals who have ascended may find that they are not at all the people they used to be, now physically incapable of certain thoughts or emotions after their ascention and the narrowing of their divine aspect.
Metaphysical, Divine


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