
Dwarves are the first race to take up residence in Aanrah's Underground, and many dwarves believe they were born of the earth itself. They are a stocky, sturdy build at home in the claustrophobic tunnels that tangle below the surface, and often some of the most advanced scientists and artificers on Aanrah.

The Earthen People


Dwarves usually stand between 4' - 5', often more stocky, squat, and robust then a human might be. Dwarves who live at or close to the surface often have skin tones similar to human's, with a mix of pale peaches to dark, earthy browns. Their hair similarly comes in similar tones to humans, ranging from blond to orange-reds and into browns and blacks, though dwarven red hair is commonly more truly red then ginger or orange. Their hair texture tends to be on the wiry side, and both men and woman grow exceptional beards and thicker hair across their bodies than humans might. Dwarven eyes can range in a wide variety of shades, often gemstone-like in color and vividness. While bright colors are common, browns or even near-black are also possible. 

Age & Reproduction

Dwarves live, on average, to around 400 years old. They mature slower than humans do, reaching their juvenile stage at around 30 years old, adulthood around 50, and old age around 250. Even at older ages, dwarves tend to keep up and moving well into their twilight years, and in that sense age more 'gracefully' than many other races.
On average, dwarves give birth to one offspring per pregnancy, with twins and triplets being more rare than it is with humans. Dwarven hybrids are not uncommon, especially among humans and other compatible non-elves.

General Culture

Dwarves are most commonly a part of the Klertyhdi culture, and are usually found in Aanrah's Underground. They are generally known for being a hardy group with strong family and clan ties, and stronger family pride. Dwarves are commonly considered masterful inventors of technology, and some of the best smiths on Aanrah.
Dwarven kingdoms are known for being sprawling masses of tunnels and caverns that are often connected to a central city / communal district, and are the creators of some of the most well-used methods of travel - the Dwarven Roads.
Dwarves are accepted in other cultures, though are not very commonly seen on the surface.


Dwarves can be generally broken down into two distinct subspecies or groups - shallow and deep dwarves. Shallow dwarves constitute the majority of the dwarven species, and consist of the dwarves who live in the upper 3/4 of Aanrah's crust and surface. Those who live in the bottom quarter, often overlapping with The Underworld, are considered deep dwarves. Deep dwarves are known to have more paler features than shallow dwarves, including more pale eyes and hair. They are rarely seen by the upper dwarven kingdoms, and basically never seen on the surface.


Coming from the Underground, dwarves are capable of naturally seeing in absolute minimal light. Additionally, they have a very good sense of hearing and are capable of detecting things through tremors, helping them navigate in dark caves even when there is absolutely no light. They tend to be more physically hardy and sturdy than many other races, and somewhat resistant to heat.
400 years old
Average Height
4' - 5'
Geographic Distribution
Related Ethnicities


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