Nymauti Demon

Nymauti demon are beings who originated from another plane of existence and have now made themselves home in The Underworld. While usually a social and communal species, Nymauti demons are known with fear on the surface, as they are capable of being summoned and used as weapons.

The Demons of Balance


Nymauti demons typically stand between 5' and 7' feet, with males trending towards usually being taller but not always. They appear as humanoids often sporting a asymmetrical set of horns and tail(s). Their skin is a mix of black and white splotches intersected with intricate and asymmetrical naturally-appearing patterns. Nymauti demon almost always have solid bright red eyes, though it is not uncommon for them to be born without one or for their to be some form of asymmetry between them. Their hair can come in black or white, or sometimes black that quickly fades to white at the tips. Their ears are pointed, and their teeth are sharp.

Age & Reproduction

Nymauti demon live on average to 600 years, reaching their Age of Naming (see below) at 15, adulthood at 40, and old age at 400. Only 1/6 Nymauti demons make it to their Age of Naming.
Nymauti demon typically have between 1 and 3 offspring per pregnancy, though sometimes they can have as many as 6. Nymauti demon hybrids are not common due to their cultural perception and rarity, but they do exist. Nymauti hybrids appear as their other parent, but with black or white splotching akin to vetilligo, ornate patterning, and horns/tail.

General Culture

Nymauti demon are almost universally a part of the Nymaut culture. They form tight-knit communities that share resources and burderns, and often consider their community their family. Very little is seen or known of traditional Nymauti culture on the surface though, as most Nymauti demon who make it up to the surface are either driven away, or are there via summoning. Nymauti demon are seen on the surface as aggressive beings capable of devestating magic.
Nymauti demons and descendants are often unwelcome or actively attacked by most surface cultures and countries. In the underground, they are treated as any other race.

Names, Summoning, & the Age of Naming

A intregal part of Nymauti demons are their Names, which serve something akin to a string of programing - they serve as a unique identification of the individual, as well as what magic they're capable of preforming. This Name does not manifest until a Nymauti demon reaches their 15th year - a specific date that works off of a Underworld-specific calendar, and not their 15th birthday by standard Aanrah calendar time. Until Nymauti demons reach this age, they are not usually called anything, they are capable of being summoned without the summoner needing further information - for the spell's purpose, any Nymauti demon child under the age of 15 has the same 'Name', and that is nothing. Nymauti demon children summoned in this way become what are known as imps - twisted beings who are perpetually stuck in a sort of child-like mental and physical state, but are often capable of using some shallow magic. They rarely return, and those that do are often summoned again before too long as they become incapable of forming a name.
On their Day of Naming, Nymauti demon children are taken by their community elders and are shown how to connect to their Name, and are given a nickname by the community to serve as what they will be called. At this point, they can only be summoned if someone has their specific name - which for newly named Nymauti demon, can still be a problem. Nymauti demons are able to expand on their name as they grow, both giving them access to more magic and power, and making it more difficult for them to be summoned.


Nymauti demon are capable of seeing in low light, as they are a subterranean race. They are capable of a wide variety of magic, usually fire or shadow, that is determined by what makes up their Name.
600 years
Average Height
5' - 7'
Geographic Distribution
Related Organizations
Related Ethnicities


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