
Orcs are a burly race known for their nomadic lifestyle and large, imposing tusks. They are some of the biggest and physically strongest races on Aanrah, making them forces to be feared on the battlefield.

Earthly Wanderers


Orcs stand between 6' and 7'5" feet, usually with wide, muscular frames. They have humanoid builds with skin tones in greys, dull reds, and dull greens. Their skin is noted as being thicker and tougher then that of humans, and sometimes appears more dry or leathery. Both male and females sport large, protruding fangs from their lower (and sometimes upper) jaw, with males often having larger tusks. They have eye colors usually ranging between dark black-brown to deep red. Their hair is usually coarse or wirey, and is often black or brown.

Age & Reproduction

Orcs live to 70 on average, hitting their juvenile years at 13, adulthood at 18, and are considered elderly at 50. Orcs commonly have twins or triplets, with infant mortality being higher then it is in many other races. Orcs hybridize with many races, and are very common to see across the globe. Their thicker skin and small fangs are the most noticable traits.

General Culture

Orcs are largely a part of the Mögchin culture, but are not uncommon to see participating in or generally a part of the Inlel culture. They are commonly nomads of some flavor - typically hunter-gatherer bands. Most orcs spend little time in any one place, moving from one place to another to follow herds or seasons. As a result, they can often be found with gnomish caravans. Their bands are often fairly tight-knit and highly prioritize community and resourcefulness, and consider aid to others as one of the highest forms of strength.
Orcs are fairly welcome in most societies, though plenty of negative stereotypes associated with orcs may cause some groups to be weary of them.


Orcs are incredibly physically strong and resillient, capable of great feats of strength and the ability to shrug off attacks that might damage others. They are one of the greatest physical fighters on Aanrah. Their gut is well designed to digest tough and raw food, allowing them to eat many foods that might make others ill.
Average Height
6' - 7'5"
Geographic Distribution
Related Organizations
Related Ethnicities


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