
By and far the most plentiful race on Aanrah, ratfolk can be found everywhere and anywhere life can be supported. Though frequently consiered second-class citizens, ratfolk often make up a sizable portion of the population of most cities - even if they're not frequently seen.

The Great Adapters


Ratfolk are the smallest of races on Aanrah, standing between 2' and 3' feet. They appear as common rats capable of standing on their hind legs, though a small subpopulation appears more mouse-like. Their fur comes in any color a fancy rat's can come in, but are most commonly browns, greys, and blacks. Their eyes are dark grey-browns. Albinism is not uncommon in many ratfolk populations.

Age & Reproduction

Ratfolk live on average to a mere 35 years, making them the shortest lived race on Aanrah. They reach their juvenile age at 4, adulthood at 8, and old age at 25.
Ratfolk typically have litters of 2-4 pups, and have a high infant mortality rate. They cannot hybridize with many other species, so half-ratfolk are incredibly rare and uncommon.

General Culture

Ratfolk commonly take up the cultural practices of wherever they live, moreso then other races. That said, the most 'pure' ratfolk culture is considered to be Annasol, and many ratfolk-centric cultural practices are often put under this umbrella. Ratfolk are known for living in crowded communities often in less-desirable parts of town, capable of making small cities in sewers or slums. Their small stature and adaptable nature allows them to make the best out of bad situations. They are known for being scavengers and hoarders who often make use of the cast-off material of the other part of society.
While found anywhere there's life, ratfolk are frequently treated poorly and as second-class citizens. Many negative stereotypes surround them.


Ratfolk are capable of seeing in low-light conditions, and have excellent senses of smell. Their claws and tails help them to climb, and they are surprising atheletes. Their sharp teeth can bite through tough material as well.
35 years
Average Height
2' - 3'
Geographic Distribution
Related Ethnicities


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