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Abandoned Ruins

These ruins rest at the base of the Cragged Mountains just south of Mt. Stakaklose. Their withering pillars slowly crumbling to dust in the wind. They have clearly not been used for some time potentially thousands of years. A sacrificial altar broken down the center lies destoryed at the base of a statue. This statue, the form of an angel. A gate near the statue leads down into the depths of the earth.

Purpose / Function

This building has been unused for thousands of years this is evident just by looking at its current state of disrepair. It appears that this could have been a temple or shrine at some point. The fact that it was a building of importance during it's use, however, is something that is obvious by its size. It looks to have been used as a sacrificial site. However, it is too old to tell what the sacrifeces were for, or who.


A tunnel, blocked by a locked and stuck gate, leads down underground to several rooms. Underground Chamber
Unlock Gate Theivery DC 19 for 2 consecutive checks
Gate Force Open DC 27 if locked DC 18 if unlocked
  The first branch from the main hallway leads to an animated statue that comes to life when the treasure in Room 2 is disturbed.
  • Room 1: In the first room there are 2 tombs. If anyone attemps to take either of the +1 longswords from the tombs they are attacked by two Forceful Soul's
  • Room 2: In the second room there is a pile of gold, jewelery, and gems worth 500g. If anyone touches a single coin the animated statue in the first hallway comes to life and starts to pursue the party as a Normal Animated Statue. When the animated statue is defeated it crumbles to dust leaving behind a stone sphere that looks like a planet. Lore Plane: Abadan DC 25 to determine this is a handcarved stone globe of Abadan.
  • Room 3: In the third room there is a wall with the carving of a man. The carving depicts this man holding one hand out as if accepting something. If the globe is placed in the statues palm the palm closes around it fusing it to the statue. The wall begins to shake and dust flies everywhere. When the dust clears the wall is gone revealing a rather long and dark tunnel leading further into the depths of the earth.
  • Deep Undergrund Chamber The tunnel seems to go on forever. Just as your sanity begins to waiver the entrance to a room appears in the distance. Darkvision or some form of light required to see
  • Room 1: In this room there are 3 statues identical to the one found in the chamber above. Names were once etched into the statues' bases but time has rendered them illegible.
  • Room 2: This is the largest of the 3 burial sites located in the lowest chamber of the ruins. Gold and jewels are stacked in one corner of the room worth 500g. If anyone touches a single coin, one statue from room one comes to life as a weak Animated Statue.
  • Rooms 3 and 4: This burial site has a stone tomb in the center. Gold and jewels are stacked in one corner of the room worth 250g. If anyone touches a single coin one statue from room 1 comes to life as a weak Animated Statue.
  • Room 5: Before you make it into this room heat seeps through the hallway and brushes across your face. A bright orange light Illuminates the hallway. In this room there are two ledges on opposite sides of the room about 35 feet apart. Inbetween them is a 30 foot drop into a bubbling pool of, que Austin Powers reference: "Hot Liquid Magma". On the ledge opposite of the rooms entrance there sits a pedastel. On top of the pedestal sits a small red stone that shimmers in the magmas light.
  • Maps

    • Abandoned Ruins
    2000 AC
    Founding Date
    1500 AC
    Parent Location

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