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Rusty Shafts

These mines known as Rusty Shafts were once run by a mining company called Berghen Iron Workers. Tartarans government once employed the newly established mining company to mine for iron before all of the miners were run out by some beast. The shafts of this mine have become incredibly rusty due to the pools of water that form in the depths.

Purpose / Function

This mine was used for the production of Iron products for the development of Tartaran. While it was an active mine one of the miners found a beautiful Jewel the size of a large melon, embedded in the stone. Removing this caused a collapse that the miner did not escape from. The company did their best to find the miner and the jewel but were unsuccessful. Over the following weeks the miners began to get attacked by some beast that moved within the walls. The beast was never seen but always heard for it caused the ground to shake in its presence. Soon after, the mine was shut down due to a dangerous and increasingly unproductive environment.


The Upper Layers:
Minerails that have all but rusted away lead in multiple directions through the tunnels. Many of the tunnels lead to dead ends or collapses, some with empty rusted minecarts littering the rails. Rusty pickaxes and shovels scatter the floors leaving remnants of a hasty exit from the mines.
Mid Layers:
These layers of the mine are more precarious as this is where the miners broke into a natural cave. Ladders lead down into deep tunnels and narrow pathways lead around the walls of the cavern. The pathways drop off one side into the cavernous pits below while the other side is generally wall. There are also rusted minerails, minecarts, and pickaxes littering the cavern floors.
Lower Layers:
Pools of water have collected in these levels. Ladders lead upwards into the Mid Layers. The iron veins in these layers are quite rusted and crumble to dust when touched. Many broken minerails, minecarts, and mining tools lay around the cavern floors as if they had been tossed around and battered by something quite strong.


A group of miners that fled the war in Katatan came to Berghen on the fleet led by Tartaris Stargazer. They formed their own company in 5000 AC called Berghen Iron Workers. After their work for Berghest was complete Tartaris hired the miners to mine for the construction of Tartaran. The first mine they established was the rusty shafts in 5023 AC. During its time the rusty shafts were bountiful in iron ore deposits. 6 years after its construction the Rusty Shafts had stories of a miner that found a large red gem and plucked it from a wall. This miner was killed in a collapse and he nor the stone were ever found. Soon after this event the miners began telling a new story of some beast that could move through the solid stone. It was never seen and caused many collapses within the mines. Due to increasing danger within the mines it was shut down in 5030 AC and the Berghen Iron Workers moved their location to begin a new mine elsewhere.


  • Rusty Shafts
5030 AC
Founding Date
5023 AC
Included Locations

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