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Session 4

General Summary

Ginger comes up with a brilliant plan for his new prosthetic. The Tailacopter. It gives him the ability to fly but will take a week to construct. During that week the party relaxes, spending their gold as they wish and enjoying what life has to offer. After 6 days Gingers tail is delivered to him and attached he can now fly like his dragon kin. Early on the seventh morning the Mayor summons everyone to the city hall, theres been a crime. Gold was stolen fom the vault through use of magic and Barddock suspects it was a group of bandits outside of town. They have recently been commiting petty robberies inside the walls due to the reduction of traveling merchants. The Rusty Shafts is near where they have been sneaking off to although nobody is sure that is where they hide. The party, some of the town guard and the mayor all try to catch up to the bandits on horseback to no avail eventually the mayor must turn back with half of the gaurds. Tarbo the Dwarf, Laif the Human, and Tib the Gnome 3 of Tartarans guards remain with the party for assistance.   When the party arrives at the Rusty Shafts, Askaladd jumps into the cavernous pit with a potion of hovering in his mouth. He sails down into the darkness and casts a light spell to see. Just as the floor came closing in the potion's magic activated stopping him from falling. He was at the bottomm of the mine's, Alone. The rest of the party in a panic split up from the guards and rush into the mines upper layers to find a way to Askaladd. After a long time spent exploring and finding nothing but rusty rooms and a few uglies the Party manges to get lucky. They find each other and make their way further into the mines where they find a large rock monster roaming in one of the caverns. It was missing an eye that seemed to be the same size as a large Jewel they had found in the clutches of a crushed miner.   the party planned distract this beast so that Vendar could go insert the jewel into the monster's eye socket. Doing so, by dressing Valthurg up as a lady rock monster to seduce it. This did not seem to work although the creature did not crush Valthurg instead held him high in the air with a loud grumbling roar that sounded like the earth itself shaking. Vendar managed to grab onto the stone monster as it ran past him while charging Valthurg. While the stone creature was distracted Vendar socked the jewel causing Valthurg to fall from it's grasp. I looked back at Valthurg and then burrowed into the ground leaving the party behind.   Afterwards the party found a tunnel leading into a cavern that had bandits waiting for them. The bandits had heard the previous commotion so they were waiting in stealth. As the party entered the room everyone but Askaladd dropped unconcious and he was promptly surrounded by bandits and watching his companions get looted and dragged away. They forced Askaladd to follow where they put everyone in a jail cell. As the bandits were walking away Askaladd heard them say something to each other. But what what is that he heard?
Report Date
21 Apr 2023

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