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Session 6: The Second Goblin War?

General Summary

Vendar, Valthurg, Ginger and Askaladd narrowly escape as the tunnel comes crashing down on their stone companion. Two dull red jewels rolled out of the rubble. Ginger pockets them while Valthurg chases after Lylah. She dissappears into the brush before Valthurg can catch up. As Valthurg searches cluelessly Vendar is able to catch up to find Lyla hiding behind a stree, her blade at the ready. Ginger rushes forward with the propulsion from his tail launching him a bit further than he had intended. As this chaos ensues, Ruby comes out of the forest to grapple Lylah only to miss as Lylah deftly rolls out of the way. And she takes off running only to be stopped by Valthurg's mighty grasp. The party interrogates her to find out that the bandit's did not steal the gold from the town vault. They did however, kidnap merchants and send them off to an abandoned farmhouse outside of Tartaran. They would leave the merchants in the building and someone would show up later at night to pick them up. The party comes up with a clever plan to go to this farmhouse and disguise a bunch of straw and bags as captured merchants. Valthurg did a "very good job" with his merchant dummy.   After placing the dummies and hiding Lylah under them, the party hid among the debris in the abandoned farmhouse. After hours of waiting and Valthurg dripping sweat onto Lylah from the rafter's night finally came, and so too did the big Orc. As far as Orc's go this one was very large and riddled with many scars. He came in to find that his supposed merchants were just bags of straw. Enraged by the fact that one of them slightly resembled him he looks around for the culprit. Valthurg takes his chance and falls onto him from the rafters. With the Orc grappled the party interrogates him for more information. Once again the location of Hargram's whereabouts is unknown. The orc just brings the merchant's to the town of Berghest 3 weeks to the north. In the trade capital the Orc will leave the merchants somewhere in the graveyard. Later that night someone picks them up and they are taken elsewhere, location unknown. Angered by the lack of information about Hargram, Ginger and Valthurg go murder-hobo on the orc and Lylah. Poor Vendar wanted a date with this Lylah but his chance was stripped away... what a shame he would have had a blast ;).   The party makes plans to go to Berghest and find Hargram, or his next errand boy. But first, they must prepare for their journey to Berghest by resupplying in their hometown, Tartaran. When they reach town the usual noise of a large town was missing, only silence was in the air. Guards were doubled on the outer wall and heavily armed. Captain Sham saw the party arrive at the gates and greeted them in shock, believing they had been killed by the bandits. He tells them of an approaching Goblin Army and to quickly speak with the mayor. When they arrive the mayors voice is different, Chris says it is because Barddock was scared, he actually just forgot the voice. The party tells the mayor about the bandits and how they are kidnapping merchants for a man named Hargram. The mayor appears to think for a moment before walking towards his Geography study. He tells them he believes he has heard that name before and grabs an ancient looking book.   Barddock tells the party that this book was sold to him by a travelling merchant several years ago. Most of the writing is illegible due to the ruination. However some pages had writing in an unknown languae that Barddock had deciphered. It tells of a priest by the name of Hargram who worshipped a diety known as Ghameister the god of Creation. This priest was buried in a temple on the continent where he would sacrifice those who would commit anathema to the religion. The mayor then reveals that the party had gone on a pointless quest since the magic stone was the culprit of the missing gold. It's magical healing energy is fueled by gold. The mayor clearly a clueless man for his intelligence. The party will be fully funded by the mayor for their adventure. After making plans to leave the party they must first defend the city from the goblin invaders ath the front gates.   The goblin king shouts from his position outside the wall, "We have come to seek revenge on those that have burned my kin in their camp". Realizing this was the their doing the party prepares to defend the city. As the gates raise the army of town gaurd and townsmen begin to clash with the goblin army Valthurg in the front ranks. Ginger takes perch on top of the ballista tower and shoots an acid arrow at the Goblin King making contact. Vendar rolls behind several goblins slicing and dicing with his finally identified magical longsword. Askaladd turns into a river drake and charges forward chomping 4 goblin down with one bite. Valthurg is clearly enjoying the lopping of goblin heads as he swings his axe back and forth. The goblin army managed to push back the Town's army closer to the gates. With a bright idea Ginger jumps down and shoves a guard out of the "Ballista Seat". He carefully aims his shot directly at the Goblin King. With a deadly strike the ballista bolt leaves nothing behind except the Goblin Kings crown resting perfectly on the butt of the bolt. Without fear another voice shouts from the goblins, "RELEASE THE TROLL, TAKE OUT THOSE BALLISTA'S!" and the army pushes forward. Valthurg trips the Troll before it can make it to the gate and attempts to pin it down. Ginger already preparing another ballista bolt add's three thunderstones to the end of it. He must make a decision to fire at the troll and possibly kill his freind Valthurg. As Vendar and Askaladd continue fighting another Balista bolt comes flying down towards the Troll. With a deft dodge Valthurg avoids the bolt but is badly wounded by the explosion and the troll is killed instantly.   "RETREAT" is sounded as the goblin army begin's to retreat back to their home under Mt. Stakaklose, the second goblin war swiftly ended by the actions of the party. Returning inside the party is considered heroes in the town and many have offered to repair their gear, craft them something cool, feed them and much more. During the next two weeks the party will be spending their hard earned gold and heavily funded adventure to prepare for their journey to Berghest. What will the party spend their next two weeks doing, thats for another session.
Abadan 2.0 Campaign
Level 1 Barbarian.
26 / 26
Askaladd Of the Wood
Vendar Shalos
Level 1 Rogue.
18 / 18
Ginger Pelletsniffer
Report Date
17 May 2023

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