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Elminster Aumer

As a high-level wizard, Elminster was capable of taking on almost any appearance imaginable. In his natural state, Elminster was an old man with a gray beard, gruff voice, and weathered features but with alert eyes. His clothes were plain. He was rarely without his meerschaum pipe, usually smoking a vile blue or green smoke.   Elminster's most distinguishing physical feature was his hawk-like nose.[citation needed]   Personality   Elminster and his eversmoking pipe.   Elminster was by turns serious, fearsome, and arrogant, and charming, clever, and good-humored. He was a natural raconteur and actor, and could present himself as a fatherly type, a trickster, a rake, or any other role or cliche required for a purpose or just to get a reaction from others. However, usually only close friends got to see the full range of his character.   Elminster snored loudly while sleeping, although he muted this magically if it would disturb friends. It should be noted that as one of Mystra's Chosen, Elminster did not need to sleep.   Abilities According to Lyra Sunrose, Elminster was skilled with a needle and thread, having sewn a blouse for her.   Elminster was a poor horseman.   He was a worse musician and couldn't write down songs, but had heard many in his time and had a "nice smoky baritone" when stirred to sing.   Elminster was known to be capable of bypassing the wards of Blackstaff Tower and teleporting directly inside the structure unbidden, something Khelben believed him to be the lone individual capable of.   Elminster penned a number of books in his time including Songs of the Wind: The Holdings of Windsong Tower,[28] Harping by Moonlight: Approaches to Life, and A Myth Drannan Amphigory.   He famously compiled a nine-book series titled Elminster's Ecologies, in which a number of contributors wrote about the plants, animals, creatures, people and other natural phenomena they encountered throughout the Eastern Heartlands.[30]   Apprentices Elminster once (briefly) had a Calishite apprentice named Raerlin, who stole the key to Elminster's closet in order to obtain a powerful spellbook (or possibly a phylactery). When Elminster retrieved the key in 1336 DR at a magefair with the help of Storm Silverhand and subsequently opened the closet, Raerlin appeared as a lich. He was defeated when Storm burnt the pages of the tome Raerlin was after.   Elminster continued to take on apprentices on occasion. One such apprentice was Ghleanna Stormlake who accompanied Elminster to Phlan in 1369 DR during the crisis of the pool of radiance resurgence. She later became the part of the adventuring party known as the Veiled Ones, assembled by Elminster to stop the Cult of the Dragon and its leader Kya Mordrayn.   History Early life   Young Elminster Aumar.   Elminster was born in 212 DR to Elthryn, who was the lord of the village of Heldon and a prince of Athalantar, and his wife Amrythale, in the kingdom of Athalantar. However, they were slain by Undarl, a malaugrym and a magelord of Athalantar. The only survivor, at the age of 12, Elminster took his father's broken sword, the Lion Sword, the symbol of the great king of the Stag Throne, Uthgrael Aumar, and became a brigand and thief.   But with no desire for killing, the young El soon abandoned that trade and instead operated as a burglar in Hastarl, capital of Athalantar. He met and formed a bond of friendship with a young thief, Farl, who knew Elminster as "Eladar the Dark". They committed many acts of thievery together and lived life fully, later forming the gang the Velvet Hands in opposition to a rival gang, the Moonclaws, who were servants of the magelords. Later, during a burglary, Elminster met the Magister of the time, Dorgon "Stonecloak" Heamilolothtar. The Magister asked him if he desired to learn magic, but Elminster refused, as he hated all mages because of the magelords.   Elminster's first meeting with Mystra.   Eventually, after a number of adventures when Elminster was a young adult, Mystra, the Goddess of All Magic, visited Elminster and spent time with him, persuading him to learn magic and revere her. Soon after, Mystra even turned him into a woman, to strengthen his bond with magic and to expand his understanding of the world, as well as to enable to pass unnoticed by his enemies. For a few years, "Elmara" was a priestess of Mystra. Later, an avatar of Mystra (who went by the name Myrjala Talithyn, or "Darkeyes") trained Elmara in the ways of a mage and brought her to an ancient Netherese archmage known as Ander who taught Elmara a spell that would transform her back into Elminster. Afterward, Myrjala taught Elminster a lot about magic, until he could at last get revenge against the magelords of Athalantar. The battle was terrible, but Elminster was victorious and finally claimed the kingdom's throne.   But Elminster had no desire for kingship, and quickly abdicated in 240 DR in favor of a friend, Helm Stoneblade, a knight of Athalantar. However, as Elminster and Myrjala departed the kingdom, the Mage Royal, Undarl, attacked them, and the sorceress shed her guise, showing she was none other than Mystra. Mystra proposed that Elminster should be one of her Chosen, and he quickly agreed.   Time in Myth Drannor   Elminster, casting spells during his time as Elmara.   Around 241 DR, Elminster traveled to the city of Cormanthor, where he continued his magical studies as an apprentice to a cruel and powerful wizard and living among the ancient elven society. On morning of Nightal 9 in this year, the Srinshee attempted to steal some of the silver fire from Elminster but was burnt for her experiment.   Elminster remained in Cormanthyr for over two decades, and was present in 261 DR when the mythal was raised and the city was renamed Myth Drannor. On Tarsakh 4 of this year, Lady Laurlaethee Shaurlanglar attempted to poison Elminster by lacing his moonwine with srindym. When this failed due to Mystra's protections, Laurlaethee attempted to kill the Chosen with spells but was ultimately subdued by Elminster.   In 324 DR, the Harpers are formed by Dathlue Mistwinter. Elminster is one of the founding members and one of the few humans among its ranks.   On 331 DR, for the first time in 70 years, Elminster left Cormanthyr on Mystra's request.   On Midsummer evening of 666 DR, after claiming the Rulers' Blade, the Srinshee visited Elminster one last time while he studied to bid him farewell before she departed for Arvandor.   Elminster was in attendance for the refounding of the Harpers in 720 DR.   After the Fall of Myth Drannor Somewhere around the mid–7th century DR, Elminster entered a tomb and became trapped there in stasis for roughly a century. He emerged from the dusty tomb in 759 DR.   By now, magic had become unreliable, and Elminster had to again learn to survive by his wits and the skills he'd picked up earlier in his life. The god Azuth soon came to him telling him that he mustn't rely on Mystra for aid like any other Chosen must with magic, this again being a test from Mystra. Soon he had to learn how to survive without constant divine aid. He later underwent further magical training under the tutelage of a wicked sorceress who sought to tempt him away from Mystra's path. Later, during a fake ritual for Bane, she revealed herself to be the goddess Mystra herself, once again testing him.[2]   In 767 DR, Elminster became a foster parent to three other of Mystra's Chosen: Laeral Silverhand, Storm Silverhand, and Dove Falconhand.   On Hammer 14 in 907 DR, Elminster confronted Halueve Starym for attempting to control devils. During the ensuing battle, the Srinshee advised Elminster through his silver fire on how to defeat the elven mage.   Some believed he had a hand in the founding of the city Waterdeep, or just with setting up its system of lords.   In 851 DR, Elminster mentored the newly-appointed Chosen of Mystra, Sammaster, in how to use his new powers.   When malaugrym attacked Arunsun Tower in Waterdeep on 1179 DR, Elminster was among those who helped repel the attack.   During the Harpstar Wars in 1222 DR, Elminster defeated the Zulkir of Necromancy, Szass Tam, and earned himself (and the Harpers) the emnity of Thay.   Aumarra Kethtan was present during early 1246 DR in Twilight Hall, when Elminster and Storm Silverhand discussed Lantan's recent use of bombards. On Eleint 21 in 1246 DR, Elminster consulted with the Srinshee and Thauntar before preparing to challenge the Simbul in Aglarond for her mage-slaying activites. The titanic battle that eventually erupted between Elminster and the Simbul caused much damage to the Witch-Queen's palace before they both agreed to move the battle to Crommor's Fang. Their battle continued at the new locale until Elminster realized the Simbul was also a Chosen of Mystra.   On Flamerule 6 in 1294 DR, Symgharyl Maruel requested that she become Elminster's apprentice.   In 1336 DR, Elminster visited the Moonshae Isles.   In 1350 DR, Elminster 'retired' to Shadowdale, though this was something of a ruse to provoke certain enemies.   Elminster played a key part in establishing the Rangers Three. They helped him in continuing conflicts with the Shadowmasters.   On Ches 16 in 1356 DR, Elminster agreed to pay off Sir Sabrast Windriver's tax-debts in exchange for his support. This greatly displeased Royal Magician Vangerdahast who, along with his War Wizards had been hunting Sabarast.   In 1357 DR, Elminster helped shield Shandril Shessair from her enemies, the Zhentarim and the Cult of the Dragon.   The Time of Troubles   Elminster's sigil.   In 1358 DR, just before the Time of Troubles, Mystra gained some foreknowledge and backed up her power into Midnight, the human wizard, so it would not be lost. As Elminster, like most other wizards, received his power from Mystra, he was left powerless.   During the Time of Troubles, Elminster defended Shadowdale against a Zhentarim army commanded by Bane himself. When Bane and Elminster battled inside his tower, Elminster used a spell to get rid of the avatar, but both of them were struck, and others believed Elminster was slain. In fact, he was transported to another plane for a period of time, and later returned.   However, while Elminster was absent, the other Chosen, the Knights of Myth Drannor, and the Rangers Three held off the forces of evil until his return to the world. However, the subsequent calm was soon broken, as the Shadowmasters had not stopped their plans for power. Elminster, the Rangers Three, and their allies, managed to stop their plans.   In Mirtul of 1360 DR, Tarth Hornwood arrived at Elminster's tower seeking to be trained by the sage of shadowdale in exchange for the Lost Ring of Murbrand. Elminster refused the offer but instead asked that Tarth destroy his former master's (Nerndel of Amphail) staff. Tarth tries to trick Elminster by using a fake staff built by Sarlin the Serpent, however the Old Mage reveals the deception and presents the real staff to Tarth instead. After performing the ritual to destroy the staff, the item transfrom into Nimra Ninehands who had been trapped in the staff for over 700 years. Elminster explains that Nimra would help train Tarth as she was still bound to Nerndal's service - and now his.   In Mirtul of 1364 DR, Elminster took on Nouméa Fairbright as an apprentice after being introduced by the Great Lady Calabrista of Selgaunt. During their meeting two Thayan Red Wizards tried to kill Elminster but failed in both attempts.   In Alturiak of 1365 DR, Elminster assisted Royal Magician Vangerdahast in searching for the missing war wizard Bolifar Geldert. Together they uncovered a plot by Baerune Cordallar, Kaulgetharr Drell, and others to wed Alusair Obarskyr and kill Tanalasta Obarskyr.   In late Eleint of 1371 DR, the new Mystra stripped away many of Elminster's memories of her former incarnation's secrets.[59]   Return of the Archwizards   The Old Mage of Shadowdale during one of his many visits to the House Greenwood of Earth.   Later in the year of 1371 DR on Nightal 25, Elminster was called to Blackstaff Tower to discuss the phaerimm attack on Evereska with Laeral Silverhand, Khelben Arunsun, High Elder Gervas Imesfor, and High Priestess Angharad Odaeyns.   On Nightal 28, Elminster met with the Lady-of-the-Wood Morgwais in time for the arrival of Galaeron Nihmedu, Melegaunt Tanthul, Vala Thorsdotter, and the stone giant Aris. Elminster confronted Melegaunt on his motives but didn't press the issue too far in the presence of Morgwais. Later that night during a feast, Elminster followed the group as they tried to leave with the help of Malik el Sami. Melegaunt used his shadow magic and the arrival of a phaerimm with its beholder thralls to drive off Elminster long enough to escape into the Dire Wood.   Elminster fought a running battle against phaerimm, beholders and even the lich Wulgreth through the wild magic area of the dire wood. Despite this, on Nightal 30 he eventually stumbled across the Princes of Shade and overheard them planning an attack on shadowdale while he was trapped in the form of a tree. Exhausted from his long battles and depleted of many spells, Elminster returned to Shadowdale via the Anauroch desert and arrived to find the dale's inhabitants and Storm Silverhand embattled already by phaerimm rather than the expected shadovar. When Elminster appoached his tower, Rivalen Tanthul and five other Princes of Shade ambushed Elminster. In the confrontation, spells were thrown, and Storm Silverhand blasted one of the shadow princes with a ball of silver fire. Since shadovar were living shadow magic, and silver fire was pure Weave magic, the collision between the two tore at the fabric of reality, creating a rift to the Nine Hells. Elminster realized that the only way to close the portal before legions of devils spilled forth into Toril was to close it from the other side.   In the Nine Hells   Elminster Aumar battles fiends in the Nine Hells,   In the early hours of Hammer 1, 1372 DR, Elminster entered the portal and narrowly managed to close it, but at the expense of much of his magical strength. Once in Hell, he was abducted and enslaved by an outcast archdevil known as Nergal, who wished to discover the secret of Mystra's silver fire. Elminster was subject to brutal tortures, surviving only because of his exceptional endurance and ability to heal himself with silver fire. While the arch-fiend plundered Elminster's thoughts and memories, Mystra became aware of her favorite servant's plight and entered Hell herself to find him. Realizing that her presence in Hell was overly conspicuous, Mystra retreated and dispatched more subtle agents to find him, first Halaster Blackcloak the Mad Mage of Undermountain (who was defeated), and then the Simbul. After much searching, the Simbul found him, and together they defeated Nergal and returned home.   In the 1370s DR In 1373 DR, Elminster discovered a daughter he had never known, Narnra Shalace, in Marsember. Because of her curiosity, Narnra quickly found herself involved not only in Elminster's activities but also in the intrigues of the Cormyrean nation.   Elminster later secretly helped a small group of adventurers near Westgate at the village of Reddansyr, investigating the fate of a clone of Manshoon, and unmasking the real leader of Night Masks of Westgate, the Night King known as "The Faceless" (the Manshoon clone, now known as Orbakh), three years after the Manshoon Wars in the year of 1373 DR.[citation needed]   On Nightal 15 1374 DR, Sharran agents attempted to steal the Ebon Diadem from Elminster's tower. Due to the essence of the artifact and the sheer power of Elminster's wards, on whose power the artifact fed, the Sharrans defeated Elminster (though not without losing most of their number) and a contingency spell whisked Elminster away, while his tower itself was blasted into ruin and transported to another, unknown plane.   Post-Spellplague   Elminster, wielding powerful magics.   Following the death of Mystra in 1385 DR and the collapse of the Weave in the Spellplague, Elminster was stripped of many of his abilities as one of the Chosen, though he still aged as slowly as he had for the previous millennium and was still quite powerful magically. However, every use of his magic drove him to—and sometimes over—the brink of insanity. When this happened, only Storm was able to bring his mind back, giving of her own essence to soothe Elminster's mind. Elminster could still cast minor cantrips at times—and had, on several occasions, cast minor illusions—without going mad, though this wasn't always the case.   Despite these setbacks, Elminster and Storm continued with their campaign to save Faerûn, battling evil where they could. For years, the two of them pretended to be "Elgorn" and "Stornara Rhauligan", "repairers of ever-crumbling stone, plaster, tapestries, and wood" in the royal palace of Suzail, spying on and testing the loyalties of War Wizards and nobles alike. On one occasion, Elminster even stole into the bedchambers of King Foril Obarskyr and made changes to the Suzail Writ, while his majesty slept not a spear-length away.   In 1479 DR, after finally admitting that they needed help saving the Realms, and having run out of easy-to-steal magic items to feed to the Simbul, Elminster sought to gain access to artifacts known to contain the spirits of the Nine—objects powerful enough to pierce the wards surrounding the royal palace or, Elminster believed, to permanently restore the Simbul's sanity. He also sought to recruit the efforts of a descendant of his, Amarune Whitewave.   During one of his excursions into the palace, Elminster's body was destroyed by Manshoon, who had secretly been peeling away the Old Mage's contingency spells over several years. However, Manshoon departed before he realized that Elminster had survived his body's destruction in a near-undead state. With the agreement of Amarune and the aid of Storm, Elminster's essence was placed in Amarune's body with the aid of a spell the ex-Chosen had discovered in a cache once belonging to Azuth. He then sought to train his great-granddaughter while attempting to defend the Forest Kingdom from Manshoon and traitorous nobles alike.[11] Later, thanks to the sacrifice of the Simbul, he regained his former body again and ruined for good Manshoon's claim to the throne of Suzail.   Afterward, in 1479 DR, Elminster went to Neverwinter for its Protector's Jubilee to see the city's renewal for himself. A guest of honor at the Protector's Enclave, Elminster bade adventurers who sought him out to escort merchants through the hostile territory of Blacklake District, Ebon Downs, and Whispering Caverns; meet with and bring a coded message left by an undercover spy with the Blacklake gangs; capture a coded message from the Dead Rats for the Harpers to decrypt; and covertly transcribe certain notes from Principles of Thaumaturgic Transmogrification at Bradda's Sage Shop, among others.   In 1487 DR, Elminster (with the help of the Srinshee, Alustriel, and Laeral Silverhand) stopped Shar as well as Larloch from becoming the new deity of magic. He killed Telamont Tanthul and let Thultanthar fall upon Myth Drannor. Along the way, Mystra was completely restored.   In 1491 DR, Elminster and Mirt the Moneylender returned to the city of Waterdeep, both aiding the newly appointed Open Lord of Waterdeep, Laeral Silverhand, uncover the culprits behind a string of murders of Masked Lords.   Quotes Elminster on:   Magic “ Whenever magic one doth weave 'Tis never ever wise to deceive ” — Elminster[citation needed] “ Magic creates, but it also destroys. Whatever ye use it for, it always, always transforms the user and that upon which it acts. Forget that at thy everlasting peril. Remember also that the mage who slays with Art carries the weight of every slain soul around with him from the moment of killing onward. It is not a burden to be lightly assumed. ” — Elminster, A Myth Drannan Amphigory Elves “ Methinks ye shouldst take what is given when proffered by an elf. They have secrets aplenty, as well they should, and take care ye don't pry too hard. Inquisitiveness is admired by the People, but rude investigation is not, and ye'd crack the shell of a dragon turtle with your teeth sooner than gain secrets from a slighted elf. ” — Elminster Himself “ I am Elminster of Shadowdale, called by some the Old Sage, and called far worse things by others. I've walked these realms for over a thousand years. Yet, I am far from the oldest, wisest, or mightiest being to walk the ground of Faerûn with my well-worn boots—and that is truth. But if ye learn the long history of my deeds, ye'll know precisely what I stand for and what I am. And that's a rare and precious thing, knowing yourself. Do ye know exactly what ye stand for? ” — Elminster “ Adventurer, I am Elminster, and I say to ye that these forgotten realms are yours to discover, reforge, and defend, yours to make anew in winning your own crown. Go forth and take up arms against the perils that beset us! ” — Elminster Tolerance “ Ye, I, and all gathered here now, are dangerous. Should we then be destroyed out of hand because of what we might do? Nay! It is the right and the doom of all creatures who walk Faerûn to do as they will; it is why we of the art frown so at those who charm often, or in frivolous cause. ” — Elminster[citation needed] “ Not even the gods took unto themselves the power to control ye or me so tightly that we cannot walk or speak or breathe save at another's bidding! It is their will that we may be free to do as we may. Slay a foe, sure, or defend thyself against a raider - but to strike down one who may some day menace thee? That is as monstrous as the act of the usurper who slays all babies in a land, for fear of a rightful heir someday rising against him! ” — Elminster Emotions “ Outrage? That's one of those overblown emotions reserved for fools who haven't been paying attention. ” — Elminster, Harping by Moonlight: Approaches To Life Residence Shadowdale These notices could be found on the side of the path leading to Elminster's tower in Shadowdale:   "Gone gathering spell components." (This sign at the base of the path is very old and weather beaten, and most pay it little heed.) "No trespassing. Violators should notify next of kin. Have a pleasant day." "An archmage often can react poorly to interruption. Please reconsider before it is too late." "Trespassers could die a quick and certain death or they could be invited in for stew. Thank you for thinking better of disturbing my privacy." "Rumors of spike-filled pits along this path are almost totally false. Thank you for your caution." "This ancient path is cracked and paved with the bones of those who could not behave."   In addition to his residence on Toril, Elminster maintained a hideaway within a floating metal sphere that orbited the central earthmote of the planet Coliar.

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