College of Entropy - 3rd Party

Bards of the College of Entropy are itinerant gamblers and daring thrill-seekers whose Actions are supremely unpredictable.  

Bard College

  Rather than relying on ancient lore or skill with arms, these bards throw themselves into new challenges just to see what happens, trusting in luck to see them through. They’re sometimes called luck stealers (with a mixture of derision and respect), because no matter how bad things get for everyone around them, these bards always seem to come out unscathed.  

Bonus Proficiencies

  When you join the College of Entropy at 3rd Level, you gain proficiency in Acrobatics and Athletics and proficiency with a Gaming Set of your choice.  

Luck Stealer

  Also at 3rd Level, you learn to borrow a little bit of other people’s luck for yourself. When a creature that you can see within 60 feet is about to make an Attack roll, an ability check, or a saving throw with advantage, you can use a Reaction and expend one of your uses of Bardic Inspiration. If you do so, that creature takes a penalty to its die roll equal to the number you roll on your Bardic Inspiration die.   After the creature’s Attack roll, ability check, or saving throw is resolved, you gain the benefit of that Bardic Inspiration die, which is usable only on yourself and lasts only for a number of rounds equal to the roll of the Bardic Inspiration die. If you do not use the benefit before that time, it is lost.   For example, if you roll a 5 on your Bardic Inspiration die, the creature takes a -5 penalty to its roll. You can then apply a +5 bonus to one Attack roll, ability check, or saving throw that you make within the next 5 rounds.   Stealing luck, regardless of whether you use the Bardic Inspiration benefit, causes a chance of a Chaos Magic surge.  

Infusion Of Fortune

  At 6th level, whenever you cast a chaos spell, you have a chance of causing a Chaos Magic surge, and you regain one use of your Bardic Inspiration. You regain the use of this feature after you finish a short or Long Rest.  

Belief Is A Tool

  Everything desires to be something else. Starting at 14th level, as an action, you can exchange one bard spell you know for another bard spell of the same level or a lower one. At the end of your next turn, your list of known Spells returns to normal. Using this ability has a chance of causing a Chaos Magic surge.


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