Entropist - 3rd Party

What starts as an attempt to analyze the patterns of chaos quickly becomes a trip down the rabbit hole to Madness.   How to Start: If you’re a Wizard who wants to become an entropist, you make that decision upon reaching 2nd Level, when you are also entitled to choose an Arcane Tradition. If you decide to follow the path of the entropist exclusively, you can forego the selection of an Arcane Tradition and gain the features of the entropist specialty instead.   You can also pursue the entropist specialty in conjunction with one of the standard Arcane Traditions. If you choose to do this, you gain the Savant feature of your chosen school in addition to Chaos Magic Savant (described below). Also at 2nd Level, you choose whether to gain Long Odds (see below) or the 2nd-level feature of your chosen school. Thereafter, at 6th, 10th, and 14th level, you choose between the lowest-level features still available. For instance, a Transmuter might select Minor Alchemy at 2nd Level and Long Odds at 6th level, followed by either Transmuter’s Stone or Twisted Arcana at 10th level.   Chaos Magic Savant   Beginning when you take up this specialty at 2nd Level, the gold and time you must spend to copy a chaos spell into Your Spellbook is halved.   Long Odds   Also starting at 2nd Level, you can manipulate the reality-changing forces of chaos to alter the odds in a situation. You can use a Bonus Action to give yourself, or a Reaction to give a creature you can see, advantage on one Attack roll, saving throw, or ability check made during this turn. Using this feature causes a Chaos Magic surge. You must finish a Long Rest before you can use this feature again.   Twisted Arcana   Starting at 6th level, when you Cast a Spell that deals damage, you can infuse the Effect with greater power by channeling chaos through yourself. You make this choice after determining that the spell has been successfully cast (by making a spell Attack roll) but before rolling damage. If you decide to use this feature, roll a d6 + 1; this is the maximum number of your spell’s damage dice you can reroll. You can reroll any number of damage dice up to that maximum, and you must use the rerolled results.   In addition, the type of damage your spell deals is replaced randomly. Use the Random Damage Type table to determine the spell’s new damage type.  
D10 Damage Type
1 Acid
2 Cold
3 Fire
4 Force
5 Lightning
6 Necrotic
7 Poison
8 Psychic
9 Radiant
10 Thunder
  Using this feature has a chance of causing a Chaos Magic surge. You must finish a Long Rest before you can use this feature again.   Shifting Resistance   Beginning at 10th level, when you cast a chaos spell, you gain Resistance to a random damage type for a number of rounds equal to 1 + your Intelligence modifier (minimum of 1). You can try to narrow the spell’s focus to a damage type you prefer, but doing so has an element of risk; you can roll twice on the Random Damage Type table and choose the result you prefer, but you must also roll to see if a Chaos Magic surge occurs. You must finish a Long Rest before you can use this feature again.   Master of Chaos   Starting at 14th level, anytime you cause a Chaos Magic surge, you regain one use of Long Odds, Twisted Arcana, or Shifting Resistance without needing to finish a Long Rest. In addition, every time you cast a chaos spell, you gain Temporary Hit Points equal to your Intelligence modifier + the spell’s level.


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