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Floon Blagmaar

Floon Blagmaar

Floon, a native Waterdavian in his early thirties, is a handsome fellow but not very bright. He used to work as an escort in fest halls but is currently unemployed. Several months ago, he came upon a married noble engaging in some indiscreet behavior, and now lives off the generous bribe he is being paid to keep silent.
With friends all over the city, Floon spends most of his time drinking and carousing. He gets by on his looks and doesn't know what to do with his life, and has shown little interest in working for a living.


Party business:

Was abducted by Zhentarim thugs with Renaer Neverember.
Been taken by mistake to a Xanatar's guild hideout after Zhents and Xanatars conflict at Zhentarims warehouse at a Candlelane street.
We were just in time for him to be alive, while some half-orc wizard with mindflayer master interrogated him.

Floon Blagmaar is a socialite in Waterdeep. Floon is a friend to both Renaer and Volothamp.

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