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Renaer Neverember

Renaer Neverember

Renaer is the estranged son of Dagult Neverember, the former Open Lord of Waterdeep and the current Lord of Neverwinter. Father and son detest one another, and Renaer is least happy when he finds himself forced to deal with some mess his father left behind. Qualities that both shares include striking good looks, a love of drink, and a flair for diplomacy. What Renaer lacks is his father's belligerence, ill-temper, and bad judgment.

Renaer lives off a sizable inheritance left to him by his mother.
He owns Neverember House, a four-story residence in the Sea Ward. Renaer spends as little time there as possible.
His friends have an open invitation to use the house as they please, while Renaer spends most of his free time in taverns and festhalls.   Some believe that Renaer's estrangement from his father is nothing but an act and that anyone who bears the Neverember name is an enemy of Waterdeep. Renaer just shakes his head at such accusations and gets on with his life. He has many powerful friends to watch his back.

Party business:

Was abducted by Zhentarim thugs with Floon.
After Zhents and Xanatars conflict at Zhentarims warehouse at a Candlelane street was left behind as non-important hostage, guarded by a bunch of kenku rogues of Xanatar guild.
Told Lootik about his father Dagon Neverember and his issue with him. About all of the gold and possessions that been "stole" from him by his father and locked somewhere under the city.
The only key to unlock it - a magic artefact, known as the stone of Golorr.
No one knows where the stone is, or how to get it. But Xanatar's guild got an idea that Renaer knows.

Is a noble member of the Neverember family, and son of the former Open Lord of Waterdeep, Dagult Neverember.

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