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Rickon Roznar

Rickon Roznar

A member of Roznar family, famous for wine import from Amn.
The family's noble estate located in Waterdeep's Sea Ward on the north side of Thunderstaff Way between Shield Street and Copper Street.

Party business:

Business proposition - red and white wines, dry and sweet in 0.7 fiasco-basket bottles.
Bloomsday - 1sp
Raspy Valley - 10sp
Rich Dusk - 25sp
Gorta - 1gp
Oban - 10gp
Lafite - 25gp

While purchasing a stock worth 50gp get a "renown" die d6.
Each week check renown. If got 5 or 6 roll d6 again.

Roll Result
1 sell Bloomsday for x2 value - 2sp
2 sell Raspy Valley for x2 value - 20sp
3 sell Rich Dusk for x2 value - 50sp
4 sell Gorta for x2 value - 2gp
5 sell Oban for x2 value - 20gp
6 sell Lafite for x2 value - 50gp

One of the noble brats that attacked Lootick near Trollscull Alley

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