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Guilds and ranks

Level 1: Novice. You get a letter of recommendation from the Guild. You get to spend up to 3 nights per month in a Guild-owned residence for free with the most basic utilities and no food provided. You're allowed to ask for advice from higher-ranking guild-members, but you're also expected to provide help if need be.

Level 2: Initiate. You've now been initiated. You can no stay up to 5 nights for free and breakfast is included. You get a 10% discount on the services provided by the Guild. You also get a reward of 2 gold coins for every recruit you bring to the Guild and 2 more gold coins if they become a Novice.

Level 3: Apprentice. You've earned an apprenticeship under one of the Masters. Your stay can now be up to a week (plus breakfasts). You get half-price services from the Guild. You're allowed to ask for help from lower-ranking guild-members. You're granted access to whatever archive of secret and guild-specific lore and knowledge there is for learning. You're not expected to bring in recruits anymore, but you can. The payment stays the same.

Level 4: Junior Master. After finishing an apprenticeship you're granted this title and have to prove your capability and mastery. Your stay is now up to 2 weeks and you can choose a more comfortable residence if it is possible in this particular case, and a full meal once a day. You're expected to start providing Guild's services and get paid according to the Guild's price-list. You get to keep 30% of the earned money, giving the rest to the Guild.

Level 5: Master. You keep providing people with services, but now your payment is higher for you being a full Master now, and you get to keep half of the payment. The Guild can also provide you with basic tools/equipment required for this once a month. Your stay can now be up to a month, including once a day meal and comfortable quarters. You get a signet ring of a Master. You have the right to ask for free means of transportation twice a month to move from one point where there is a Guild's residence to another. You are also expected to be training Apprentices, you get paid for it.

Level 6: Senior Master. The Guild provides a permanent residence in one of the towns, it's small but comfortable. You now are paid even more for your services and get to keep 75% of it. You're allowed to attend the meeting of the Elders, but you have no voice in them. You're granted access to Guild's teleportation circles that connect its residences across the country. You get a chance to apply to be ahead of one of the Guild's local offices.

Level 7: Elder. At this point, you're basically a member of the board of directors. Barely do any work, get paid a ton of money, get to keep 90% of it, and most of your job is controlling the Guild and organizing its work, strategizing, intriguing, etc. You can have a personal assistant of Master rank or lower.  

Shady organisations and outlaws use the separate system, not acknowledged by a majority of guilds in Faerun.


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